Part 35

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Sakura frowned while watching team 8 and 10 perform their skills.

She knew their Sensei's decided to give her the benefit of the doubt by showing off their students skills - sure of themselves that their students were better than her.

To say she was impressed would be a major lie.

The two teams worked hard together so they had a good idea of teamwork but not great. Their stamina and strength shocked her the most as their foreheads were already covered in sweat after using two jutsu's and a little taijutsu.

'I see why he sent me now. I may be the weakest in team 7 but these guys are...embarrassing.'

"Excuse me, Kurenai-Sensei, Asuma-Sensei?" Sakura called, halting the sparring matches between the members of the team's.

The two Sensei's looked over at her with smug expressions, clearly waiting for her to admit how out of her league she was with them.

"Your students..." she started, gaining the attention of all the genin as well "How to put it lightly... they're weak." She smiled sheepishly.

Asuma and Kurenai were taken aback by the girls forward attitude but more so by the brutal honesty - not that they'd take it as the truth.

The genin glanced at one another in confusion. They thought they'd done pretty well.

"If I may?" Sakura quickly added before the two Sensei's could try to scold her.

They slowly nodded and she moved to the group of Genin.

Ino and Kiba glared at the young kunoichi. Shikamaru, Shino, and Hinata watched her with curiosity while Choji simply munched on his chips.

Sakura stopped in the middle of them "You may want to back up a little" She smiled gently, trying her best not to offend anyone.

The group did as they were told, though hesitantly, and watched with curious eyes as Sakura lifted her fist to the ground and slammed down hard.

The ground shattered beneath her. A crater being the only thing left behind as grass and dirt disappeared with the wind.

As she straightened up, she noticed the genin backing up a step.

Sakura looked at them and sighed "Alright... Now I'll do it with chakra" She stated with a smile.

The genin, as well as the Sensei's, mouths dropped open with disbelief and quickly jumped back as she performed the task.


"Hmm" Kakashi groaned while rubbing his head. The two remaining genin stood before him with glares.

"That's what you get for calling Ra weak!" Naruto huffed and crossed his arms.

Sasuke just glared at the Jounin but otherwise remained quiet.

"Yeah, Yeah...I get it" Kakashi stood, waving the blonde off who became even more ticked off from it "Anyway, are you two ready to head out?"

The two looked at each other with slight confusion.

"Baka's" Kakashi sighed "Naruto, you need to go train with Jiraiya and Sasuke will be coming with me to continue his training."

"Oh...right" Naruto laughed sheepishly but quickly ran upstairs to get changed into fresher clothes. Kakashi was nice enough to buy him some extra copies of the exact same outfit he always wore, not that the Jounin had a choice in changing the style.

'Naruto would most likely go naked before he switched up his precious orange jumpsuit.'

A throat cleared behind the Copycat, only startling him the slightest in all fairness.

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