Part 4

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The morning sky waved a length of mist across the streets of Konoha, shopkeepers slowly setting up shop while trying to stay awake themselves and early birds chirping a good morning to their fellow species.

Sasuke Uchiha lazily strolled down the misty dirt patched walkway, kicking a small stone and glancing at the brown old fence layered down the path next to him.

The raven-haired boy was as emotionless and calm as ever to any bystander, something he'd perfected a long time ago. Though his outward appearances were convincing, his thoughts held much more conflict.

Did Itachi walk down this path too? Did he have friends here? Comrades?...teammates? Come to think of it, Sasuke hardly knew anything about his older brother.
Itachi was always busy with missions or helping his father with clan business.

Something that was, at the time understandable, such is the life of a shinobi but after everything Sasuke's been through, It was all extremely suspicious.

Even for a prodigy Uchiha, he was away far too often and was hardly seen with anyone, other than Shisui for a while. The young Uchiha had always held a distaste for Shisui Uchiha. The man had stolen precious time with Itachi from him when he was a child and the dislike seemed to stuck nonetheless after his brother slaughtered everyone.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes while picking up the pace a bit, heading toward the teams training ground, eager to become stronger and defeat the older Uchiha.


Naruto had woken up to loud thumping against his front door. Throwing off his blanket, managing to stagger up and throw some clothes on, he quickly wobbled toward the door.

"Oi you little brat! Keep it down in there!" A gruffly old lady yelled as soon as the half-asleep genin opened the door.

"Huh? What do you mean? I just woke up" Naruto mumbled as he scratched the sleep from his eyes, his blonde hair ruffled and unbrushed beyond repair.

"Don't lie! I heard your loud banging from downstairs and you're the only nuisance in this apartment building! So shut up!" The wrinkly old hag shouted, her voice becoming a rather large headache to the ever-growing annoyed shinobi.

"H-Hai. I'll keep it down" Naruto responded with a warm smile, trying to keep the peace.

The woman stared at Naruto for a second before grunting and walking away. The genin could vaguely hear her muttering "demon child" under her breath. The boy stared at the woman wondering like many times before, why people kept treating him like this.

He knew the Kyuubi lived inside of him but shouldn't that give people a reason to respect him for keeping the monster at bay? Rather than angering him and risk the chance of him losing control of his emotions. Naruto could never make sense of it but never blamed the nine tails for his suffering, what could he do anyway?

About to head back inside, the boy noticed a small cat sitting a little ways away from his door.

"Huh? Are you the one making all that noise?" Naruto questioned.

The cat meowed in return with what looked like a playful smirk on its lips.

"Gee, thanks"

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