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Michael takes me out to lunch. It's this quiet little diner, with seating out back, near the ocean.

"You know, I haven't even told Emma that about me. What I just told you." I say, pushing my hair out of my face and sitting down in the chair he pulls out for me.

"I'm honored."

I watch him sit down and hand me a menu. "Why the hell are we here, Mike?"


"I'm just another fan. Why is it me here with you and not one of those superfans that spends their whole life fantasizing about you? Is it like, a pity date or whatever?"

He shrugs. "You seem like more than 'just another fan'. You're different. You're special."

I snort. "Special? Special how?"

"You're interesting. You have a story. I want to be a part of your life. I want to help you."

I shake my head. "You don't have to do that. I'm not worth it."

He gets this glint in his eye again. "Yeah, you are."

I shake my head again, leaning my head in my arms.

"So you have a sister, yeah?"

"Yeah. Jenny. She's a year younger than me. We're pretty close, I guess.."

He nods. "She was sweet. She seemed to have an infatuation with Cal?"

I giggle. "Yeah. Worse than me with..you..."

He chuckles. "Do you have an obsession with me?"


"Awe. I'm flattered."

"Do the other boys know that you're here?"

"Yeah. We have a concert in the next town over, they know that I'm visiting you."

I groan. "Damn, I really wanted to go to that. I didn't have money, though."

He grins. "Boy, have I got a present for you.."






He's laughing by now. "SYDNEY."


"Oh, but I did." he chuckles, pulling out two backstage passes and tickets from his pants pocket.

I scream and hug him, attracting the attention of the waitress.

"Hello, my name is Jayda and I will be your waitress today, may I take your order?" she says in a bored voice, not looking up.

"Yes, hello love. I will have the bacon pizza with the stuffed crust? And my lovely date will have.."

"Um, a grilled cheese sandwich and a chocolate milkshake, please." I say, blushing when he calls me his date.

"Oh my god.." she says in a hushed voice, looking up. "You're Michael Clifford. I love you!" she squeals, hurriedly writing down our orders. "I'm going to your concert tomorrow! Could I get a picture with you?"

"Of course, love." he smiles, standing up and wrapping an arm around her. She snaps a quick picture, blushing.

"Oh my god! Are you his girlfriend?"

I blush and shake my head. "No."

"He called you his daaatee..." she sing-songs, eyes wide.

"Yeah but I'm not his girlfriend."

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