s i x t e e n

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Jesus, this girl is annoying.

We rush over to the door, quickly getting to Ashton's car before the crowd of teens starts chasing us.

"Get used to it." Michael comments, wrapping an arm around me as we drive away.

I roll my eyes as they stop the car at my house, everyone getting out and crowding into the kitchen.

"Emma, are you gonna come on tour with us?" Luke asks quietly, looking at her. She shoots a look at me, but I just look away.

"Yeah. I'm coming." she says. "I have to go home and pack soon, though."

He nods, awkwardly moving as she walks past him, grabbing a glass of water.

"Syd? What's going on?" My mom asks, walking into the room.

"The boys were crowded by fans at Chipotle, can we just hang out here for a little while?" I question.

"Sure!" she smiles. "Did you guys get lunch?"

They shake their heads, and she hands us a menu to a pizza place. "Get some pizza. Syd, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure." I follow her into the living room and sit down on the couch while she sits across from me in a chair.

"I'm gonna miss you." she smiles, watching me. "I'm really glad that you're getting this experience, but I'm still going to miss you so, so much."

I grin. "I'll call you when I can, and all that crap."

She smiles wider and hugs me. "Although, if he gets you pregnant you can bet that I will disown you."

"Mum!" I blush. "We like, just got together!"

She shrugs. "You know kids these days."

"Still! Mum, I'm not like that."

"Emma might be, though. Just watch out for her."

I roll my eyes and leave the room, back out to the boys.

"We got you some pepperoni!" Michael cheers, wrapping an arm around me.

"Thanks!" I smile, leaning into him and blushing as Ashton quickly takes a picture.

"Mydney!" he chirps, posting it to the band's Snapchat.

"When will the pizza be here?" I question.

"Like, 10 minutes." Luke says. "Emma, can I talk to you?"

She looks at me, nervous. "Uhhh—"

"C'mon. Just for like, 2 minutes."


She follows him into the other room, and I hear him talking in hushed tones for a while.

"What's up with them?" Michael asks, forgetting what I told him.

"Remember?" I push, raising my eyebrows.

"Wait, what?" Calum butts in.

"They slept together." I say, concerned at the look on Calum's face.


"Now, she doesn't want to go on tour, because she thinks that he's going to want to again, but she doesn't want to."

"She doesn't?" he brightens up.

"No. She's more of a Calum girl."

"Oh." he grins to himself, sitting down.


"No reason."

"Hey, Syd." Ashton says. "There's a guy looking through your window."

"What?" I turn around and there's Kaleb, peering through the window with an odd grin on his face.

"Sh*t." I whisper, Michael instinctively curling protectively around me.

He taps on the window, wanting me to open the door for him.

Ashton walks over, opening the door. Kaleb saunters in, walking straight to me.

"Sydney!" he drawls, surveying all of the boys. "Long time, no see."

"Let's keep it to the 'no see' part, yeah?" I ask, leaning more into Michael.

"Who's this young man?" he questions, nodding his head at Michael.

"I'm her boyfriend." he butts in, his eyes glinting.

"Ooohh, no need to be salty." Kaleb chuckles, his gaze moving to Ashton. "And who are you, and the Asian one?"

"I'm not Asian!" Cal grumbles. "It's Kiwi and Scottish!"

"Kiwi? Like the fruit?"

"Like New Zealand, you idiot." Ashton says. "I'm Ashton, and he's Calum, and I also have no problem with punching you, so I suggest you leave now.

"Kaleb, what are you doing here?" I question tiredly.

"Well I mean, I want you back, but it seems like you're already taken."

"You've got that right." Michael grumbles threateningly.

"Okay, okay!" he says, raising his hands and backing out of the house. Meg comes stumbling into the room. She's been spending most of her time in the downstairs bathroom, where we set up a little bed and her food and water.

"Meg!" I chirp, picking her up and holding her tightly to my chest. "Hi, baby!"

"He got you a friggen dog?" Kaleb says in disbelief, leaving and shutting the door behind him.

"Asshole." Michael mutters.



i'm on february vacay, plus it's president's day, so no school!!

i've been getting insane summer vibes even though it's still feb, my beeeeest friend alli and i are planning a trip to hawaii that's never going to happen, but it's still really fun to think about.

xoxo i hope your days are great!!

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