t h i r t e e n

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"Sydney. We only started talking two days ago. But I feel like I know you better than a lot of my close friends and that we have a real connection, and it's killed me to wait this long before asking.. Sydney, will you be my girlfriend?"

I can hear the cheers die down as I try to process what just happened.

"MYD-NEY! MYD-NEY! MYD-NEY!" a group of girls starts chanting, and soon everyone is chanting it, even Ashton.

"Uhhhh. Yes." I smile, as he takes my small hands in his big ones and stops the shaking.

"Yasss Michael! Get some!" Luke yells, causing me to blush.

Michael kisses my cheek, making me blush darker.

"We have one more song and then we're done, babygirl." he whispers. "You can stand next to me, if you want."

I nod and step back as they start playing strumming the chords to Invisible.

"Another day, of painted walls and football on the TV..."

(A/N: For those of y'all who don't know, Invisible is my favourite 5SOS song.)

When the song is over, they all set their instruments down. "Good night everyone, this was a great show, we love you!" Luke yells as we leave.

Once we're backstage, Michael hugs me. "So. Did you enjoy the concert?" he asks conversationally, a teasing glint in his eye.

"It was alright. I've been to better." I tease back, poking his nose.

Emma walks in, cheeks flushed, with Luke, who disappeared as soon as the concert was over.

"Hey guys, congrats!" Emma says, hugging me and winking. "Mydney for the win."

I grin widely when Michael wraps his arm around my waist again. "You're really skinny." he complains, tightening his arms.

"Yeah, right." I mumble, looking down at my stomach.

He tears his arm away from me and holds my shoulders, looking me in the eye. "Sydney."


"..Are you one of those people that's like, insanely skinny.. but looks at themselves and sees a cow?" he asks quietly, pulling me into the corner of the room.




"Sydney. Can.. can I help you?"

"Could we just.. not talk about my weight? That would help."

"Okay," he nods. "Can I drive you home?"

"Yeah, of course. Emma, I'll meet you there?"

"Actually, I'm sorta.. getting a ride home from Luke."

"What about my car?"

"I can drive you home with your car and then just.. sleep on the couch?" Michael suggests. "I mean, I want to spend as much time with you as possible, we leave tomorrow."

My heart drops. I had forgotten about that. "Okay." I whisper, clenching my hands together to keep them from shaking. They do that a lot.

"C'mon, let's just get your bag and then we can go."

I grab my bag and he takes my hand as we walk outside, after I hug all of the boys goodbye. "So." he says, opening my door for me and then going around to his side. "I want to propose something to you."

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