s e v e n t e e n

15 3 0

"I'm going to assume that's the dickhead that ruined you?" Michael questions, sitting down at the couch.

I nod, pulling Meg next to me and shrugging. "He does this a lot. He'll be back in like a week."

"But you won't be here for him to bother!" Michael cheers, grinning.

I giggle and lean into him. Calum sits on the other side of me, still looking a bit depressed.

"Whassa matter, Cal?" I question, elbowing him.

"I can't believe he slept with her." he says, shrugging and elbowing me back.

"Yeah, me either."

Luke and Emma come back from the basement, and Emma's looking shaky. She motions for me, and I go out into the hallway to talk to her.

"Syd, oh my god." she moans, resting her face in her hands.

"What'd he say?"

"He said he really likes me and he wants to make this serious."


"Yeah." she sniffles, on the verge of tears. "Sydney, I don't like him that way!"

I snort. "Do you sleep with all the guys that you don't like in 'that way'??"

She just shakes her head. "Syd, I like Calum. I really, really like him. I don't think I can be with Luke."

"Is that what you told Luke?"


"Then what did you tell him?"

"I told him I'd think about it."

"Em, you can't lead him on like that, you're only gonna hurt him."

"I don't need a lecture."

"Guess who came back whilst you were lying to a guy who cares a lot about you?"

"Nooooo, Kaleb?"

I nod. "You know it. Mike and the boys totally sassed him, though. I don't think he'll be coming back for a while."

"That's good."

"Yeah. Uh huh. I'm pissed at you."

"Why? Sydney, it's not my fault."

"Emma, he likes you a lot, I can tell. He gets all nervous and blush-y and stuff when he's around you, and you're totally just letting him down. That's not the girl I know."

I turn around and go back to the boys, laying down next to Mike and putting my head in his lap. It looks like the boys have been talking about Emma and Luke as well, and Calum doesn't look too happy about it. Luke looks almost as on the verge of tears as Emma, and his eyes are rimmed in red.

"Jesus, why does everyone look so depressed?!" I question, snuggling into Michael.

"No reason." Luke says quietly, not looking at Emma as she walked in, nervously picking at her cuticles.

"Ok well, we obviously need something to cheer us up. Wanna gooo... see a movie?"

Michael shakes his head. "Nah. I think Lemma needs to talk some more. Squid, let's go to the park or something."

I shrug and get up, shoving on my sandals and grabbing a sweatshirt of Michael's that's hanging on a chair in the kitchen. "See you guys later."


I grab Sydney's hand once we're out of the house, twining our fingers together as she wraps an arm around my waist.

"We're a cute couple." I comment, looking around at the neighborhood passing by as we walk. She blushes and I swear to god it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"You're gorgeous."

"No, I'm not." She's too quick to deny my observation, turning away and watching a big red truck drive by.

I sigh. "You really need to stop that. I'm allowed to think you're gorgeous. Just because you don't think it..." I trail off, not making eye contact.

She's quiet for a moment. Then she speaks. "Thank you." she says quietly, looking at the ground.

"For what?"

"This. You're putting all my broken pieces back together."

I grin and kiss her forehead. "I'll safety pin the pieces of, your broken heart back together." I sing softly, changing up the words a bit.

Her face lights up, and she grips my hand tighter as we arrive at the park.

"Push me on the swings?" she begs, running over and sitting on one, like she's 6 again.

I walk over, unable to keep the smile off my face, as I slide my hands around her waist and pull her back into the air and then let go, loving the way her eyes sparkle as she comes back down. Without warning, I slide my arms around her again and kiss her from behind, startling her, as she leans into me for a moment.

"I'm tired." she sighs, climbing off the swing and sitting on a bench.

"I can carry you home." I laugh, walking over to her.

She looks up hopefully, but then erases the look from her face. "I'm too heavy."

I snort, lifting her up easily and holding her like a baby. "C'mon, cutie pie. Let's go home."


ok this was pretty short but adorable amirite

this was the last of my saved drafts, so now i have to actually take the time to write them, so there's probably only gonna be 1-2 updates a day.


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