f i f t e e n

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After we eat, we lay back on the blanket and look up at the sky. It's bright blue, and large fluffy clouds are floating by.

Such a clichè second date, I know, shut up.

"Ashton went through the whole self harming thing too, you know." he comments, squeezing my hand and pulling my head onto his chest.

"I know. In case you couldn't remember, I've been a megafan for years."

"Right. I keep forgetting... you seem so normal."

"Thanks?" I laugh. "Is that a compliment?"

"Of course."

I giggle and put up at a cloud. "Look, it's shaped like a cupcake."

"That one's a puppy."

"And a mermaid!"


When we get back to the house, my mom's downstairs, sitting at the table with Emma.

"Hey, girlie!" Emma jumps up, hugging me. "You excited for tour?"

"Yeah! I've gotta pack as soon as Mike leaves."

"Y'know, y'all are my OTP." my mom butts in, standing up and ruffling my hair. "Remember to use protection."

"MOM!!" I scream, feeling the blush rise from my forehead down to my neck.

Michael's laughing, and the blush clears away. "I'm gonna go meet up with the rest of the boys. I'll text you, Squid."

"Alrighty. Bye!" I hug him and go up to my room, Emma following.

"Have a good breakfast?"

"Em, he brought chocolate croissants. AND RASPBERRIES!!"

"Awe. Luke and I—"

"Yeah, about that. Keep your shirt on when you're in my house. Michael's been scarred."

She blushes. "Oh, um—"

"Just don't bring boys to my house. Kay?"


"Besides, I thought you were a Calum girl?" I ask, pulling out my suitcase and opening my closet.

"I mean, honestly, I'll take whoever wants me."


"You gonna go home and pack?"

"I don't think I want to go."

"What?! Em, this is the opportunity of a lifetime, not many people can say they've had the experience of living with 5SOS! Plus, what if I need your help with boy problems?!"

"Luke and I.."

"Oh my god.. did you guys do the secks?"

((A/N: 😂😂 if you don't get what that's saying, just read it out loud lol))

She blushes. "That's what I've been trying to tell you. And, um... I don't want to do it again? That's why I don't want to go on tour..."

I sigh and start putting socks and underwear into the far pocket of the suitcase. "You literally met him yesterday, and now you're fuck!ng?"

"SYDNEY! LANGUAGE!" my mother yells up the stairs.


I start packing all of my t-shirts, rolling them up so that I can fit more things into the suitcase.

"It's not like I meant to. It just sort of happened."

I snort. "That's what they all say."

My phone dings with a text as I finish putting my shirts in.

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