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same, mike. same.

"Are you f*cking lovebirds done?" Ashton says loudly, barging the door open.

"Uh." I pull away from Michael, who's laughing.

"Hey, Ash." he grins, pushing his hair out of his face.

"They need you guys out there. It's f*cking Cake time."

I giggle. "Cake is real? Oh my god."

"The cake you EAT, f*cking idiot."

"Okay you need to stop swearing." I complain, walking back out to the living room.

"I can't f*cking help it."

I giggle and sit on the couch, where there's a cake sitting on the coffee table. Written in loopy dark teal frosting over white, it reads 'Happy 20th, Squid! We love you ❤️'.

I smile at Emma, blowing a kiss. "Thanks, babe."

"No problem."

Then she looks at Michael, sticking her tongue out. "See, she's MY babe. So back off and stop kissing her in the den when you think we aren't listening."

I blush darkly, covering my face. "Seriously, Em?"

She grins wickedly. "You love me." she coos, making kissy noises. I roll my eyes and take the knife Michael offers me, cutting slices out of the cake.

"ME FIRST." Ashton yells, grabbing the plate I'm holding out. "I F*CKING LOVE CAKE."

Luke chuckles and nudges Calum. "Same." he comments, leaning on Calum's leg and taking the next plate I offer. Calum shoves him off, giggling and taking his cake.

"ASSHOLE." Luke yells, jumping on him and smashing the cake in Calum's face.

"Immature." I scoff, handing Michael and Calum each a piece.

"I am not IMMATURE." Luke whines, licking some frosting off Calum's face.

I giggle and get myself a small piece, taking a bite and thinking about how many calories are in this. I take a few more bites and then discreetly set it down, instead opting for the apple I find on the counter.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Ashton says with his mouth full, motioning to my cake.

"Uh, no." I say, taking a bite of my apple.

"F*cking idiot." he mumbles, taking my plate. I smile and wipe some frosting off Michael's chin when he turns to look at me.

"You guys are really messy eaters," I giggle, watching Luke completely miss his mouth with the fork and Calum pick up the piece he dropped with his fingers and eat it in one bite.

"YOUR MOM'S A MESSY EATER." Michael shoots back.

"That didn't even make sense!" I laugh, finishing the apple and leaning my head on his shoulder. He cautiously wraps an arm around me, flipping off Luke when he starts chuckling and pointing a heart at us.

"Mikey's got a giiiiiirlfriend." he teases, finishing his cake.

"Mikey does NOT." he protests, not moving his arm.

"Yeah, Mikey doesn't." I argue, snuggling deeper into his shoulder.

"MRS. RAIIIIIN!" Luke yells, making my mum come running from upstairs. "SYDNEY AND MIKE ARE HUUUUGGGING AREN'T YOU GONNA STOP THEM?"

She smiles tiredly. "Sydney. No bedroom, okay?"

"MOM!" I groan. "Seriously, we're not even together."

She just shakes her head, laughing, and goes back upstairs.

"Can I see your bedroom?" he asks.

Thinking he's teasing, I stick my tongue out. "Neverrr."

"Oh." he looks genuinely disappointed. "I wanted to see if you had all those cute posters and merch and shit laying around!"

I sigh, hearing my mum's door shut.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt just to give you the tour.."

I lead him down the hall to my room, blushing when I see the sign on my door, made about 4 years ago. 'SYDNEY RAIN'S RESIDENCE. MICHAEL CLIFFORD IS A GODDESS."

He chuckles. "Goddess, huh??"

I roll my eyes and open the door, nervously scanning the room before I let him in. The walls are a light bluish-grayish shade, with white trim. I have a white dresser and bed, with teal sheets. I have white bookshelves. There are framed photos on the wall, some of 5SOS that I got printed off a while ago, and some of me and Emma. There's one wall that's completely covered in 5SOS-related things, like posters and photos and random little papers, album art. I have a giant Michael Clifford cardboard cutout in one corner.. my bed is piled in pillows and there are fairy lights strung around it. I have a full length mirror on one wall, and a large window with white curtains and more fairy lights.

(A/N : Lol sorry for the huge explanation but that's what I want my room to look like, so there ya go.)

"Cute." he comments, going over and hugging the cutout. I giggle and take a picture.

"I like the wall." he says, pointing to the 5SOS wall and looking at one of the lyric drawings I made. "These are really good!"

I blush. "Thanks.. I used to make a bunch of those when I was younger."

"You have a really nice room, thanks for showing it to me. Now, if we don't make out on the bed, I will be thoroughly disappointed."

"Michael." I say in a warning tone.

"One little peck?" he begs, puckering up his lips. I sigh and quickly peck his cheek, not noticing that he has his phone out, recording it.

When I get the notification that he tagged me in the video, I blush. "Mike! What about the fans, your management?"

He shrugs. "F*ck them! Let's go eat more food."


higkutdgfbk,j this is adorable

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