f o u r t e e n

23 4 1


I wake up to Michael standing over me, wearing a black beanie and a white hoodie.

"Get out of my face, Michael f*cking Clifford, it's 9 f*cking a.m. and I will have my beauty sleep."

He sticks his tongue out. "You don't need sleep for your beauty, it's all natural."

"I'm not getting out of bed, no matter how cute you're being."


He leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. Seconds later, my phone dings. Grumbling, I pick it up from where it's charging, and see that Michael sent me a Snapchat. It's him using the puppy filter, and I have to admit, it's enough to get me out of bed.

"F*ck you, Clifford."

"You wish." he says loudly, causing me to roll my eyes, before throwing a hoodie over my tanktop, pulling my hair into two dutch braids, and opening the door.

"I'm taking you out for breakfast!" he says happily, flicking one of my braids and scampering down the stairs.

"No, you're not."

"Yep! And, Emma and Luke are gonna come with us! So go get dressed."

I roll my eyes and go back into my room, shutting the door and looking through my closet.

I pick out regular high waisted shorts, a grey t-shirt that says 'all i need is mascara and caffeine', my navy blue, red, and white "christmas" socks, a grey beanie, and my white Birkenstock sandals.

"You look preeetttyyyy!" Michael grins as I walk into the hall to go into my bathroom. I just roll my eyes.

"Honestly, don't talk to me until I've had like, 7 cups of coffee."

"Okay, okay!" he says, trying not to smile, as I pull my makeup bag out.

I just cover up some pimples and swipe on some mascara, rubbing on some chapstick as Michael knocks softly on the door frame, holding a cup of coffee. "You look preeetttyyyy!!" he says quietly, blinking once and leaving the coffee sitting on the counter.

"Thanks." I say, taking a sip and leaving the room. "Where are we going?" I ask, warming up after taking a few more gulps.

"A place."

"Care to elaborate?" I ask, grabbing a granola bar and shoving my shoes on at the door.

"Nope!" he says cheerfully, pulling a sweatshirt over his head and opening the door, leading me outside. "Just get in the car!"

"I thought Emma and Luke were coming?"

"Nah, they decided to go hang out with the other boys. Just us!"

"Fun." I say, getting in the front seat and buckling. "Can I put the radio on?"


"How are you so cheerful? It's literally 9:30 and you're like a puppy."

He grins and starts driving, flipping the radio on to the album that's playing.

"Hey, I know this song!" he chuckles, starting to yell along the lyrics to the chorus.


"Laid." I whisper, but he catches it.

"Y'know, that was the original word, but management made us change it." he comments. I giggle and finish my coffee, setting the cup in the cup holder next to my seat.

"So, where are you taking me?" I ask again, feeling a bit more cheerful.

"This place that Emma told me about, she said it's like, your favourite place to go when you're sad?"

"She knows about that?"

He shrugs. "Apparently?"

"So, what time do we leave tomorrow?" I ask, turning the radio down a bit.

"About 9 am, the plane leaves at 11:00 and we have to get all checked in, meet a few fans at the airport and stuff. So, I'd suggest you get up at around 7:00 so you can finish packing everything and get all ready and stuff..."

"Ewww." I groan, laying my head on the car window. "You honestly hate me."

"Quite the opposite, actually." he comments with a grin, and pulls onto a dirt road. He drives for a few more minutes, then parks in a little gravel parking lot.

He opens my door for me, helping me out and wrapping an arm around me as I stand up next to him.

"I brought a picnic!" He says cheerfully, motioning to the picnic basket in his hand thats not on my waist.

"Why're you doing all this for me? First of all, it's like 9:30 am, and second, I'm not really worth all the effort."

"Syd, you're totally worth it. I'm so glad I decided to tweet you back... like honestly, that was probably really rushing into things last night, but it was so worth it."

"It wasn't rushing into anything."

"You sure?"

"Positive." I smile, brushing my hair out of my face.


We walk through a brightly lit path in the woods, the sun beating down and a waterfall running somewhere near us.

"So, have I like, mentioned that you're really pretty?"

"Quite a few times."

"Why don't you accept it?"

"I mean, I accept that you think that."

"He ruined you, didn't he?" Michael asks quietly, stopping and looking me in the eye.

"Who did what?" I mumble, avoiding the topic.

"That dick, the one who ruined your life. Kaleb or something? He just ruined everything that you think about yourself."

"Pretty much." I whisper, not meeting his eyes.

"I want to fix you." he insists, bringing my chin up so that we're looking at eachother again.

"Too many broken pieces." I say, and start walking again.

"I've got a shit ton of super glue." he grins, good-naturedly slinging his arm over my shoulder and walking me to a clearing by the beach.

"You're real sweet."

"I know. Like a cupcake."

He spreads out a picnic blanket, and lays down on it, stretching. "What are you doing?" I giggle as he takes starfish form.

"I need a tan." he explains, cracking his eyes open to wink at me.

"And I need food. Hit me up."

He sits up and pulls out chocolate croissants, the outsides flaking off and the insides still warm, along with orange juice and raspberries.

"How did you know that these were my favorite for breakfast?" I exclaim, picking up a raspberry between my thumb and finger and popping it into my mouth.

"I did my research."

"Apparently. I think you get an A."

"What about an A+?"

"Maybe later. I save those for special occasions."


i love raspberries

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