Chapter 23

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So when Anna was little you all know her dad abused her. Well she ran away and went to Miss Daisy's Home for Young Girls. So ever since Anna ran away her dad has been trying to find her.



The trunk opened up and I was greeted by a face I thought I would never have to see again. I was looking into the soulless eyes of my former dad. I tried to scream bit before I could he slapped a piece of duct tape over my mouth. I tried to kick but my hands and feet were bound by more duct tape. He picked me up with brutal force and I kicked, but I had no chance his grip on me was too strong. He took me into the rundown shack not to far away from the car. He dropped me on what looked like a bed but didn't feel like one. He sat down in the chair that was placed in the corner. I looked around more, some of my toys from my childhood were scattered about, alcohol bottles neatly lined up along the edge of the wall. Everything was dusty and tattered. The mattress -obviously old and very used- had weird colored spots on it. Some looking like mold... I looked over at him and he walked over and slapped me. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT BITCH!" he screamed after slapping me. I couldn't say anything so I just cried and he spit on me.


Tyler hasn't been back for a while so I decided to text him.

Josh: Hey dude where are you? Have you found anything?
Ty Ty: I'm at the airport... Come quick!

As soon as I saw that I shoved my phone into my pocket and ran out the door. I ran through the lobby avoiding fans and went to the airport. Soon I got there to see Tyler with his face buried in his hands. I walked over and asked what happened. His eyes were all red and puffy I could tell he had been crying. He said the crowd of fans pushed Anna back and a she left with a man... I went to the security office to go look at the tapes myself. I felt the tears pushing at e back off my eyes. I held them in and tried to look at the guy. His hood was covering most of his face. I asked for them to go to the outside footage and I got the license plate number. I also saw that the man was dragging her, so that meant she didn't walk off with him! I ran out to Tyler and I told him about it and he called the police. They said with the license plate number they would have a better chance of finding her. They also said to head down to the station. After we ended the call we headed down to the station.


After he spit on me he ripped the duct tape off my mouth and poured some water into my mouth. I then asked him how he found me. He said that he found me on Twitter and saw the tweet that said I was going to London. He then said he was leaving for a bit and he left and slammed the door behind him. I heard the car tires on the dirt as he sped off. I rolled over and felt something poke my back, I sat up and saw what poked me. It was a nail! I put the duct tape on it and ripped it. I was almost free! I didn't know how much time I had alone so I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed 911. ( I don't know what London uses for 911...)

911 Operator: 911 what is your emergency?
Anna: hello I need help I was kidnapped by my biological father. (Anna is saying this while crying)
911 Operator: Do you know the address of where you are?
Anna: No I don't...
Someone in the background (Josh): Anna is that you!?
Anna: Josh?? Yes it's me Anna I need help.
911 Operator: What type of phone are you using Anna?
Anna: My iPhone.
911 Operator: do you have find my iPhone on?
Anna: yes I do.
911 Operator: ok we will begin to track your phone just stay on the line.
Anna: oh no he's back come quick.
I left the call on like the lady said and I shoved it back into my bra and put the duct tape back around my wrists. He walked in and put a bag on the dusty table. It looked like it had food in it. I then realized I was so hungry. He started to pull food out of the bag. He sat down and started to eat and began to wave food in my face. He would begin to let me eat it and then would pull it away. Every time my stomach would growl he would slap/punch me. I soon heard the crunch of the dirt/gravel. The police were here! I heard a bunch of shouting and some running. Then I heard the sound of a tranquilizer gun go off. The I heard a thud. The police rushed in and began to cry out of happiness. They cut the duct tape off my feet and then Josh and Tyler run in. Tyler picks me up and begins to cry.

~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~hope you enjoyed this chapter!~~~~~~~~

Hey guys!1!11! Guess what? I got 1k reads and all thanks to you! Sorry I haven't been updating... Like I've said in later chapters is that I'm getting ready to move. So I've been packing up stuff and I've been busy with school. I will try and write more today. Thanks again! If you want my social medias just message me!

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