Chapter 43

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*barking* I opened my eyes to see Popeye sitting and barking at me to wake up. He didn't stop until I stood up and let him out, I went over to my calendar and saw that it was 3 days until the tour!! I still needed to pack, but the best thing about this tour is that Jenna and Popeye are coming! I went downstairs to let Popeye out and even though he was only a few months old he was getting big. I let him back in and I gave him some food and went to the kitchen to make food for everyone. Of course I made waffles aka the best food in the world. I set everything up nicely in the dining room and went to go wake everyone up. I ran up the stairs with Popeye behind me and we went to Josh's room first and I grabbed one of Popeyes toys that was laying around and I threw it on his bed. Popeye jumped on his bed going after the toy, but he landed on Josh. That woke Josh up, so I ran out before I could get yelled at. I walked over to Tyler and Jenna's room and flipped the switch on. That seemed to work cause they were up and walking downstairs in 5 minutes flat. I ran downstairs to show them the breakfast. They sat down and started to eat, soon Josh came downstairs and started to eat too. Everyone loved my breakfast, I ate and then checked the time. 10:30 am. Wow it was already 10?! I asked Josh if he could drive me to the mall to get new clothes for the tour. He said yes so I ran upstairs to get ready. Soon  I was done and was in the car, and we headed off to the mall. Of course the first store I chose to go in was Hot Topic. I got even more band t shirts and wrist bands. I also got a few dresses and pairs of pants. So we paid and went to a shoes store because I needed more. They had Tuks there!! So of course I bought some and I also bought some Vans. Then we went shopping for Josh cause he needed stuff so we went to some stores he liked. Then we headed home. I walked through the door, shopping bags in hand and went to the kitchen because food is life! I grabbed my usual Monster and fruit snacks and walked to the living room to watch SpongeBob. It was a really great episode, then Popeye walked in with a toy so I threw it down the hallway. He kept coming back so after the episode ended I brought him for a walk to the park. Popeye was getting pretty big. He is still not his full size, but he is very protective. It's fun to watch him bark at everything that goes by. Since he's getting bigger hopefully Popeye can protect us while on tour... Finally we go to the park and they had a fenced area for dogs so I brought Popeye over there and let home loose. They had toys all ready in there so I picked one up and tossed it as far as I could. He ran as fast as his little legs could it was so funny. That's basically all we did at the park, but it was almost dinner time and you guys know food is life. So we went home to eat. No one was making dinner so I made mac n cheese. I grabbed 3 boxes and made it for everyone. We have this bell in my house it's called the food bell. Whenever someone makes for for everyone in the house you ring the bell indicating it's time to eat. It was my favorite thing to do, so I rang the bell and I heart he footsteps coming. I started filling up bowls and set them on the counter and they started grabbing their bowls. We all sat down and ate it was delicious. Then I went to play some videogames in the basement.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF CHAPTER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys I am soo soo sorry for the lack of updates. I had my iPad taken away and then I went to camp and the wifi there is legit trash. Also I'm kinda running out about things to write about so hopefully with the tour coming up in the story I'll have more ideas!! I will try and update a lot today!! If you want to get in touch with me here are some ways!!

Snapchat- horse21670 (I know it's embarrassing 😂😂)
Instagram- _sick_as_frick__
Kik- kp.xox.02
Skype- kp.xox.02 (I only use it for chat, but if we get to know each other really well we can video chat!)

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