another a/n

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Hello everyone!! I honestly feel like a piece of shit for not writing :(( but like always I have a reason... a few actually. Lately I've been trying to get ready for high school next year and selecting classes and shit. I've been trying to focus on my grades because I really wanna be a doctor. Another thing is I've been really depressed lately and have had no motivation to write or do anything. All I've wanted to do is stay and bed and forget about the world and have the world forget about me. My dad decided to take me to a therapist and they've decided to put me on medication. It's been helping me alot!!! Ok most of you don't know the situation about my family... well it's more about my mother than my family... Well my mother is a drug addict who basically slept all day and didn't really pay attention to me or my little sister until my dad got home. I haven't talked to her in 2 years. She will text me saying how she's gonna get help, but she never does. As of lately I've been really worried because idk how she is, but I'm too scared to text her and get sucked into a dark pit of hopelessness... but enough about sad shit! Tomorrow I have school off because it's Sunday and I'm gonna try and write!!
                        -Kenzie ♡♡

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