Chapter 5

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*Kellin's POV*

-That Same Night-

"That was one of the best shows yet!" Justin screamed. We all agreed and high-fived. Then headed to our bus for a few beers. I grabbed two out of the freezer, and passed them down the row to the rest of the guys, we each had a few beers and spread out around the bus. I was on my bunk. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 9:17, "Ally should still be awake I would think!" I thought to myself. I sent her a quick text:

Me: Had an awesome show! Just chilling in the bus. MIssing you. X

I got an immediate response, I smiled.

Ally: That's great, I knew you would! :) Just chilling at home, in my room, listening to you. I miss you too. XO

Me: Aw, what songs? Haha that's so cute. We're off to Oregon tomorrow. I get to see home :)

Ally: If I'm James Dean, then You're Audrey Hepburn/Let Love Bleed Red, all the romantic ones. And that's epic, your excited I bet! I hope we can see each other again. XOXO

I smiled, she was too cute at times, I missed her a lot. I couldn't wait to see her in a few weeks once Warped was over. Not that I didn't love performing, it was the best, but she made me happy.

Me: Some of our best work those songs! I'm totally thrilled, it's not Metford, only a short distance away though, Portland. We should be home in around 3 weeks I think. XX

Ally: Agreed! And it is pretty close. Can't wait, those 3 weeks better hurry up! Don't try any less than you are now, you're amazing and I love you and you're gonna survive. Make me the reason you do your BEST these last weeks! :) XO

I chuckled at her little speech, she cares so much. She's so fragile, so protective though, I need to protect her, be there for her, I will do anything and everything. I love her, with all my heart.

Me: So true, and I sure will! You have all my heart babe ;D I love you too. We gotta get up early so I'll talk to you soon. Love you lots Ally! XXX

Ally: Aww you mean the world to me Kellin. I love you, sleep well! Love you more ;) XOXO

I plugged in my phone so it could charge and fell asleep, tomorrow I would be in my home state, everything would be good, almost healed.

*Ally's POV*

I sent the text then started playing "Miles Away" by Memphis May Fire, which featured Kellin. That song always made me cry, but this time happy tears. I felt like he was singing to me, like he was here next to me. Oh jesus I pray these three weeks hurry up. I turned the music down a little, listened to my Sleeping with Sirens playlist and fell asleep. Thinking, dreaming of me and Kellin being reunited.

-The Next Day- *Ally's POV*

I woke up, it was just past 10. I stretched, got up, showered, then went down to grab a bowl of cereal. I was in the middle of eating my S'mores cereal when my phone beeped, it was a text. My heart skipped a beat I thought it was Kellin, I unlocked my phone, it was Sarah. DAMN HER!

Sarah: Hey, wanna go to Hot Topic? Bored and wanna go shopping.

I laughed. I remember when we went to Hot Topic a few months ago and fangirled over Kellin in jeans under the title "Get in Our Pants".

Me: Sure! Btw, DAMN YOU I thought you were Kellin. We were texting for hours last night. He's in Oregon today.

Sarah: Well I see where I stand then :P That's cute. Be there in 20 to pick you up.

I laughed and went to go get dressed. I decided to wear my Hot Topic "Kellin singing live" tanktop with blue skinny jeans and my light blue Vans. I curled my hair and applied light foundation, blush, full coat of mascara, and I grabbed my purse. I sat out on the front steps, phone in hand. It was 11:47 when my phone buzzzed. I smiled as I looked down at the name, it was Kellin. My heart stopped as I opened the message.

Kellin: We go on at noon, I'll be thinking of you! We asked to play If I'm James Dean, then You're Audrey Hepburn last, in honor of you babe. Love you millions <3 XX

I blushed, and tears crept my eyes as I was reading it. He dedicated the song to me. Kellin dedicated a song to me, I'm texting Kellin, he said he loved me millions, my dreams are coming true.

Me: Aww :') crying cause you said that. You'll do amazing! Love you to the moon and back baby <3 XOXO

Then Sarah pulled up and I got in her car, telling her everything and we were laughing and telling each other what had happened. Sarah started telling me about her and Justin. She said they had been texting a lot. Looks like both of our dreams came true, we got to see one of our favorite bands, out of the blue meet them, now we were -possibly- dating one of the members. Our lives couldn't get any better than this.



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