Chapter 13

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*A/N I'm sorry everyone  for the update every few months it's hard to update because I've been busy with a summer English project and I just haven't been on my laptop much (as it is I'm doing this mobile right now) but I appreciate everyone who sticks around so THANK YOU!)


        *Kellin's POV*

It was around eleven at night when I heard the front door open, meaning Ally was home. It seemed as if she was distracted lately but I couldn't pinpoint it. I couldn't wait to tell her about the tour and how she was going to be my Merch girl! She was headed up the stairs so I took off my shirt and laid on the bed on my phone.

"Hey babe! How was the meeting today?" she asked happily. I placed my phone on the side table and motioned with my finger for her to come to me. She giggled and sat next to me. I leaned in to kiss her and she smiled into it slowly pulling away.

"It was great I found something out though..." I trailed off. She looked puzzled, so I continued. "The band and I are going on tour in a few weeks, and our manager says you can be our Merch girl for the whole tour! Pierce the Veil and Ghost Town are joining us!" I said excitedly, Ally looked pleased as well.

*Ally's POV*

I WAS SUPER EXCITED! I hugged him so tightly. I get to travel with my boyfriend and his best friends! Wait.. "PTV is going?" I asked.  He nodded. Just my luck I just kissed my boyfriend's best friend! I could slap myself. Should I tell him? No it was a one time thing, an accident and it wouldn't happen again, I hoped.

*Vic's POV*

Tonight was amazing and so much fun! Those girls are locó! Ally though, damn she was... Insane and great and a hell of a good kisser. I loved being around her. I loved her energy. I needed to tell her. But she was with Kellin.. How could I do that to him, Mi amigo? What am I gonna do when the tour comes? Oh hell this is gonna be interesting.

*A/N What do you think is gonna happen? Sorry it's short! Love you all!*

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