Chapter 13: Attack In An Alley

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I walk home slowly, listening to music on my iPod.  A Shot Across The Bow by Mayday Parade plays softly from the ear buds.  I am lost in thought about my life.  I feel really happy.

I have had amazing sex, twice.  Both times with my boyfriend, a guy with whom I am deeply infatuated.  In fact, I think that I might be in love.  Though I dare not ever say that aloud.

You are such a drama queen!

I am so caught up in my thoughts, that I don’t notice where I am when I bump into a random stranger in an alleyway.  “Sorry.” I mutter as I try to maneuver around him, but the guy seems to not understand what I intend to do, because he walked right in my way again.

I then pull out my ear buds and give him an awkward smile while I try to sidestep around him as I hear foot falls behind me.  This time I notice that he intentionally tries to stay in my way.

Now I’m getting upset, so I take in this asshole’s appearance.  He seems greasy.  His shoulder length hair is jet black and could use a serious washing.  He is wearing a long black coat, and it sort of reminds me of Captain Jack Harkness.  He is tall, lanky, but definitely looks strong.

I turn around, to avoid having to get into a confrontation with this man.  However when I turn around, I notice that three other men, who look about the same, have walked in behind me and have blocked off the alley.

Do people really get mugged at 7 in the evening?

I really don’t care to find out.

“Can I help you gentlemen?” I ask them politely.  One of them smirks at me, and I can see that his teeth are disgustingly green and yellow.

That is so nasty.  Has he ever heard of floss?

“We were wondering if you knew of a Flynn Finlay.”  The first man says behind me.  I then turn around to face him, and I probably have a look of shock on my face.

“Very well then.  This is him.  Our Alpha Grackel will be very pleased!”  He says to the others.

I pick up on the word Alpha, and I connect a few dots.  These men are werewolves, unless the other five Ilchruthach Clans have Alphas as well.

Just as I make this connection, I feel a painfully powerful punch land on my lower back.  And I immediately go into defensive mode.  I drop down quickly, throw out my left leg, and do a quick 180, tripping that guy who just punched me.

“Feisty little ginger!  The Alpha didn’t tell us this.”  The first guy says as he starts throwing punches at me.  I dodge a few of them, but he is very fast, and the other guys are now attacking me as well.

Dodging three attackers isn’t easy, especially with your physique.

I strike out at one of my attackers, and I make contact with his larynx.  It gave a surprisingly satisfying crunch, and he went down gasping for breath.

Are you a sadist?

I guess a little bit. I didn’t realize that that crunch sound would be so satisfying.

Perhaps it is just because you are being attacked?

Yeah, I hope so.

In my slight distraction while conversing with myself in my head, I receive a blow to my stomach.  And this was a powerful hit.  I immediately go down to my knees.  And the pain in my gut and groin is blinding.

“Looks like the fight is out of this one.” The greasy haired first guy says.  He then smacks me in the back of the head with a heavy blunt object and I am out cold before my body hits the ground.

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