Chapter 4: More.

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8:45 A.M. came very fast.

Vinnie's alarm made her jump when it sounded. She slapped the top of her alarm, and it went off immediately. To her, alarm clocks were the worst invention ever created. She rolled over and stretched. A big yawn followed. It took a few more minutes before she finally decided to scramble out of bed. She really did not want to join the others for breakfast; in fact, she hardly ever ate breakfast to begin with. She was so exhausted, all she wanted to do was relax and sleep, but she figured she would be impolite if she did not attend, and she did not want to be rude. Since last night went so well with the others anyway, she was really interested in bonding with them a little more since she would be staying with them for the next six days. Once she had crawled out of bed, she stretched again.

Vinnie walked over to one of the big dressers, grabbed a fresh t-shirt and some shorts, and threw them on lazily. Another yawn followed. Vinnie reached up, and rubbed her eyes sleepily. When she opened her eyes, she looked at her hands, and gasped.

"It's gone!" She squealed.

The red rashy-sunburn that covered her entire body had disappeared... just like that! An excited and relieved smile stretched across her face as she sighed heavily.

"Finally." She whispered.

This time, she felt a lot more confident than she did yesterday now that her skin was back to normal. She was starting to wonder if it would ever go away.

Vinnie walked back over to her bed, and grabbed her cell phone from the nightstand, and glanced at the screen. Not that she was expecting any missed calls or texts, but it was just a habit. She looked back at the clock... 8:50.

"Oh!" Vinnie exclaimed. She dropped her cell phone onto the bed, and turned to head out of her room, slamming the door behind her.

She looked left and right down the long hall. No one was around.

"Everyone must be downstairs already." Vinnie mumbled to herself, trying to figure out how to get to the staircase. She took a stab at it, and went left, hoping she had made the right decision. It was easy to get lost in the mansion. Although Vinnie was unsure of where to go, she found the staircase quicker than she thought she would.

As she descended from the stairs, she saw a few kids on the first floor run by the staircase and into the kitchen. She had not seen those kids before, and was curious to meet them.

When she reached the bottom, she looked around in case anyone else ran by. She did not want to get trampled. When everything seemed clear, she headed on into the kitchen. It was like a mad house in there. Kids were running everywhere! One of the kids she saw run by the staircase made his entire body turn to ice! Vinnie's jaw dropped when she saw this. Another kid, a little bit younger than the others, tripped over someone else in the midst of all of the chaos. When he hit the floor, several others copies of him spread across the floor; each one of them rubbed their head in pain, then disappeared except for the main boy who was tripped. Then Vinnie saw a younger girl transform herself into a wolf.

Vinnie blinked hard twice, not believing what she was seeing. She sighed heavily, and decided to proceed into the kitchen. Almost instantly after she stepped through the archway of the kitchen, everyone came to a complete stop and stared at her. Vinnie stared back with a blank expression.

"Hi!" She grinned awkwardly and waved.

Just then, the entire group of kids rushed her all at once.

"Are you the new girl?"

"Of course she is, stupid!"

"What's your name?!"

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