Chapter 11: Alluring.

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Vinnie could not stop tossing and turning. It was almost five in the morning, and she was still having a hard time falling asleep. She flipped over onto her stomach and stuck her hands under her pillow. The feeling of her face on the bare pillow was cool, and soft. She sighed heavily. She felt a bit more comfortable now, but at the same time, she felt uneasy. Strange things had been happening every night for the past week when she was trying to sleep, and it troubled her.

She was just about to drift off to sleep when she suddenly heard the balcony doors click open. She sat straight up without any hesitation and snapped her fingers together, making them spark up in a small flame. It was a little more comforting knowing that as the week went on she was learning to control her powers a bit more. The flame made the small space around her light up, and she was able to see a bit more. The balcony doors were wide open and the sheer curtains were blowing back and forth. She swung her legs out of bed and stood up, and as soon as she did a black figure rushed by the doors outside on the balcony. Vinnie let out a shriek and stumbled backwards, tripping back onto her bed. The flame on her fingers was snuffed out almost immediately as she fell back. She scrambled out of bed and ran towards her bedroom door, and ran out into the hallway to Evan's room. She knocked repeatedly on his door before she decided just to go in.

She slammed the door shut and ran across his room, leaping into bed with him. She shimied underneathe the covers with him and covered her head.

Evan awoke suddenly and practically fell over the side of the bed. Spikes shot out from his arms in shock. "Vinnie! What are you doing?" He gasped, recalling the spikes back into his skin. He pulled the covers over his exposed chest.

"Evan, there was something in my room! Some ONE was in my room! My balcony doors opened and I went to close them and someone ran passed the doors!" Vinnie panicked.

"What?!" Evan gasped again.

"I don't know who, or what, it was, Evan, all I know is I think someone has been watching me sleep for the last couple of weeks! Every night at some weird hour of the morning, my balcony doors would always open by themselves! Every night I remember to lock them, so explain that!" Vinnie explained. Evan could tell she was frightened by how fast she talked.

"Are... are you sure you weren't just dreaming or something?" Evan asked, trying to calm her down.

"No, Evan, I know I saw someone tonight. Stay in my room tomorrow night and you'll see! But for now, I'm staying right here!" Vinnie demanded and pulled the covers over her head.

Evan huffed loudly. "Okay, okay, um, just try to go to sleep and we'll sort it out tomorrow." He mumbled, snuggling back under the sheets. "Even though this is kind of awkward." He murmured to himself.

Vinnie heard him, but she ignored the comment. The room fell silent, and Vinnie felt more comforted now that she was sleeping next to Evan.

"Will you stay awake until I fall asleep?" Vinnie mumbled timidly.

Evan grumbled. "What am I, your dad or something?"

Vinnie did not reply.

"Ugh, fine." Evan muttered. "If it will make you feel better."

He sat straight up, leaning back against the headboard in order to stay awake. Vinnie curled up, and rolled over onto her side with the covers pulled all the way up to her neck. It was not long before she fell asleep, and when Evan heard her start to snore, he slumped down under the covers and fell asleep too.


Vinnie awoke the next morning at about nine. The sun was shining brightly through the bedroom windows and just about blinded her. She stretched, and looked next to her. Evan was not there. She frowned, but shrugged it off. She got out of bed and walked over to the windows to look outside. It was a beautiful day, and she wanted to go for a walk.

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