Chapter 24: Insanity.

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“It was completely my fault. If I wouldn’t have come into the picture, none of this would have ever happened. I regret ever telling Magneto about her, but I guess that’s what I get for not being able to keep my mouth shut. At the time, I thought Vinnie was a threat. She was this new girl who had befriended you X-freaks, and well, I’m not necessarily a good guy, after all. I ran to him and spilled the beans. Little did I know that I’d actually come to like that little fire starter. But unfortunately, it was too late by then and I didn’t know what else to do. I tried to stop him, but you know Magneto. He and his retarded Acolytes do their own thing. Word got around to the rest of the Brotherhood, who couldn’t care less. But then again, they didn’t know about mine and Vinnie’s little relationship. Been a bit of a struggle keeping it a secret.” Pietro sighed heavily as he explained everything in his normal rapid dialogue, hanging his head almost shamefully when he finished.

Everyone knew how Pietro felt about the X-men. It was certainly no secret, yet no one objected to him being there in the mansion which, according to him, was technically considered enemy grounds. Never would the Professor or the X-men allow a member of the Brotherhood into their domain, but this was a very rare exception. In fact, the majority of them were grateful for him practically saving Vinnie’s life… AGAIN. Vinnie did indeed almost die earlier that day… and if it were not for Pietro coming to warn the X-men and running to her at the last second, she would have certainly been killed.

“Mystique was sneaking into her room almost every night with the help of my pathetic father, of course, who was able to unlock the metal locks on her doors with his irritating powers. They observed her routine and how her powers worked until they could come up with some stupid plan to kidnap her. Of course, over time, they learned quickly and used the one thing they knew she wouldn’t be able to resist.” Pietro mumbled, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. He was becoming angrier as he explained it further. “Magneto and Mystique had been watching both of us, and they learned of the connection we had. I figured this out, and tried to back off several times. I honestly tried! But again, it was too late. I had planned on talking to Vinnie about what was going to happen… and of course, Magneto found out. They were watching us… always watching us. He sent his incompetent Acolytes after me, and when I least expected it, I found myself unconscious at the hands of that giant oaf, Sabertooth. Mystique took on my form and pretended to be me in order to get her out of the mansion. Next thing I knew, Magneto brought her back to where he and the others were hiding out. When I woke up, Sabertooth and the others didn’t necessarily want to let me go. I got banged up a bit, but they weren’t quick enough.” Pietro smirked, observing the various cuts and bruises along his chest and arms. “But I’m glad I escaped when I did. And I’m even more thankful that I can run faster than anything else in this universe because I wouldn’t have been able to stop them alone. Things would’ve gotten ugly had I not ran over here and warned you guys.” Pietro let out a heavy sigh and leaned back against the couch, staring off at the group that stared back at him.

Logan and Remy were standing behind the couch across from Pietro. Both of them had their arms crossed over their chests and terrible glares took over their faces. Jean and Scott were sitting in the couch; Jean stared at Pietro with the most solemn look of all of them while Scott was bent over with his head in his hands as he stared at the floor as if to process everything that was just said. He was clearly upset too.

Storm was sitting directly next to Pietro on the same couch, but she could not look directly at him. The expression on her face was almost that of shame or sorrow.

Professor X was, of course, right next to him in his wheel chair. He sat there with his elbows on his legs and his clasped hands against his chin; a stern expression covered his face.

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