Chapter 28: Transition.

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One month.

One entire, peaceful, beautiful month had come and gone since the X-men’s last encounter with Magneto. It almost seemed impossible and crazy, yet it was complete reality. Things were back to normal, or as normal as they could ever be, anyways.

Vinnie sat at the edge of the roof and swung her legs back and forth in the air as she overlooked the entire mansion property. She could see everything from the highest point on the mansion’s roof. She looked over the edge, and shivered slightly. It was a long way down if she were to fall. She would not recover from that fall like she did the several times she flung herself from her balcony. She never realized how huge that mansion really was until she looked over and saw the park way off in the distance. It was the same park that she and Pietro met in several times before.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back to feel the sun’s warm rays against her skin. A small gust of wind blew her bright crimson red hair all over the place, but she did not mind. She had never felt more at peace than she did in that exact moment, and nothing was going to ruin it for her.

Her mind began to wander like it always did during moments quite like this one. She had always been a daydreamer and a thinker, especially when they involved topics that concerned her or her friends. She remembered the night of the battle they had with Magneto and the Acolytes, and although the memory of it was a little fuzzy, she never wanted to experience something like that again. She began to think about her insane powers and how they were evolving faster than she was able to keep up.

Vinnie opened her eyes and looked down at her hand. She balled her hand into a fist, and slowly released it. A tiny orange flame danced in the center of her palm, and she smiled. She would never have to worry about her powers overtaking her any more. She voluntarily asked Professor Xavier and Jean to wipe the portion of her brain that was able to create and produce such a powerful gene. Losing those powers did come with a few minor consequences, like losing a part of her strength and causing her normal pyrotechnic abilities to go a bit haywire, but nothing she could not retrain herself to learn and control again. In fact, it was nothing she cared too deeply about to begin with. She may not be a level five mutant any longer, but four was still just as good. A lot of the other students thought she was insane for choosing such a traumatic and almost life-altering decision, but it was worth the risk. She would have rather had to retrain herself to control her normal fire powers than keep her uncontrollable and rapidly evolving fire powers and risk hurting someone. It had been an entire month since she had seen any sort of blue fire. And she was happy with that.


Vinnie’s concentration was broken and she turned around to see Evan making his way down the slanted roof-side. “Evan, what are you doing here?” She giggled. She could tell he was nervous being up on the rooftop of the mansion.

          “Better question… what are YOU doing up here? Geeze, Vinnie, haven’t you gotten in trouble for this twice already?” Evan grumbled as he lowered himself down slowly so that he was sitting beside her. He peered over the edge of the roof and gasped, leaning back quickly. “Why! Why do you like it up here?! How did you get up here in the first place?!” He whimpered.

Vinnie could not help but giggle. “Kurt.” She said. “How did you get up here?”

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