Chapter 17: Discreet.

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The next day, several people hounded Vinnie about where she was and what had happened to her face and arm, but none of them got the correct answer. First she told them it was all just a Danger Room accident. Then, she told everyone she disappeared just because she wanted a relaxing day at the beach by herself. It was half true, anyways.

Vinnie actually stayed in her room the entire day. She got tired of talking to people. The day before played over and over in her head like a movie. It was as if none of it actually happened. What did happen? There were a lot of feelings involved yesterday… and yet, she had no idea what they meant… or why they even happened. She had such a great time being out of the mansion, and not having any rules to follow. But… her time with Pietro… it was different. This was different than the bond she and Evan had. She hated to admit it, but the tiny crush she had on Evan did not even compare to what she felt for this guy who was supposed to be her worst nightmare. Although, she never wanted to admit to herself that she did in fact feel some sort of way about him.

She shook her head back and forth. No way. There was no way she actually liked this guy. Whatever feelings she had for him, it was going to pass. Maybe she just liked the idea of breaking the rules, or having a taste of freedom. Yeah. That was it.

There was a small knock at the door. Vinnie rolled her eyes. She had no idea who it could have been, considering everyone in the mansion had come to visit her. Well, bother her, more like it. Vinnie tried to ignore it, and hope they would go away. But that was silly to think. The door cracked open, and Evan stuck his head in the room.


Vinnie looked over at him, putting the book she was reading down on the mattress. “Hi.” She replied.

Evan entered the room with a tray of food in his hands. “I thought you might be hungry. I know you’ve been up here all day.” He shut the door behind him with his food as he carefully balanced the tray and all of the items it contained. He placed the tray on the side of the bed.

            “Wow, Evan. That’s really nice of you.” Vinnie actually smiled for the first time all day. The tray contained soup and crackers, a cup of some kind of beverage, toast, silverware, a napkin, and some sort of pills. Those must have been for the pain in her arm. “Thank you.” She said softly.

            “No problem.” He replied as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “Vinnie, what’s going on with you?”

Well, that escaladed quickly.

            “What are you talking about?” Vinnie looked at him funny.

            “I mean, you’re turning into another person. You’ve been pushing yourself away from all of us, you’re sneaking out, and your attitude is even changing. You seem angry all of the time.” Evan shrugged. “I want the old Vinnie back.”

Vinnie sensed his pain. He was right though. She did not like seeing him this way. She still cared about him, despite the real feelings he had for her, and how annoying he could get sometimes. “I’m sorry. I know what you mean. I’m just tired of being here. I’m tired of having rules. I’m twenty-one years old. I lived on my own and took care of myself for a while back at my place. Here, I’m treated like a child. If I want to go somewhere without anyone knowing, I should be able to. I should be able to eat, sleep, drink, smoke, laugh, cry, kill, be promiscuous, get married, go to school, get a job, become the president… whatever I want... whenever I want.” Evan could tell she was frustrated, so he did not say anything. He just let her speak. “I should be able to do whatever I want, Ev. I should be able to date whoever I want to also.” She grew much quieter.

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