Chapter 12: Punishment.

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Vinnie certainly took her time walking back. There was so much on her mind, she just had to walk it off. Of course, it was a long, quiet walk back to the mansion. Vinnie did not realize that it was just passed noon. The others were surely wondering where she was, and Logan and Remy were not going to be too happy about her  missing a Danger Room session.

Vinnie stood in front of the double doors of the mansion, hesitating before entering. She ran her fingers straight back through her bright red hair, and sighed nervously. She conjured up enough courage and entered the mansion.

As expected, the lobby and the halls were empty. The others had probably already finished up the Danger Room session and were most likely changing for lunch. She tip-toed upstairs, hoping no one was around to catch her.

Vinnie made it to the second floor with no problem, and she thought for sure she was in the clear; her room was just around the corner. As she rounded the edge of the hall, something fluttered in front of her face and caught her eye. She jumped slightly, as it quickly averted her attention. She raised an eyebrow and bent over to get a better look.

            “What in the world?” She mumbled to herself. There was an Ace of Spades card from a deck of a poker game that fluttered in front of her and landed on the floor. It was glowing, almost as if it were on fire. She frowned, and picked it up. It did not burn her, but then again, she herself was practically made of fire. She examined it closely, but she was confused.

            “I wouldn’t hold on to that for too much longer, my dear.”

Vinnie jumped at the voice behind her and whirled around to greet the stranger. She sighed when it was just Remy who was leaning sideways against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

Vinnie let the hand holding the card fall to her side. It still crackled and flamed like it was when she first picked it up. She cleared her throat before speaking. “Hi, Mr. Remy, um, I’m sure you’re wondering why I missed the session.” She forced an embarrassed smile.

Remy raised an eyebrow and nodded once. “And you have just about thirty seconds to explain ya’self before that card you’re holdin’ explodes.” He smiled.

Vinnie’s eyes widened. “Wait, what?!” She gasped, looking down at the card. She turned and reared her arm back, getting ready to throw it.

            “It also explodes if ya' let go.” Remy murmured.

Vinnie quickly pulled her arm back in, and swirled around to face him again. “I went for a walk this morning… to the park… and I ran into P –” she paused. “…A friend, and we were talking and I lost track of time. I’m sorry! It won’t happen again!” Vinnie whimpered.

            “A friend, eh?” Remy stood straight up and walked toward her. “Who was this friend?”

            “From school!” Vinnie lied. The card started sparking a lot more.

            “So, you met a friend on your first day of school… that day you got kicked out?” Remy’s tone was absolutely skeptical. "Ten seconds." He crossed his arms and took one giant step back away from a frantic Vinnie as the card she was holding began to hiss.

Vinnie clenched her eyes and grumbled. “It was Pietro! He followed me, and I had a hard time getting away!” Vinnie squealed, holding the card straight out in front of her toward Remy. “Please take this!” She bit her bottom lip and wiggled about anxiously.

            “Now I believe you.” Remy smirked, reaching out and pinching the card between his pointer finger and thumb. Immediately, the sparks and flames disappeared as if Remy had sucked them into his hand. When they were gone, he snatched the card from her while pulling out a deck of cards from his pocket with his free hand. He slid the loose card into the deck, and stuck the pile back into his pocket. “Go change into your suit and get to the Danger Room.” Remy mumbled and turned to walk away.

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