Chapter 5: Decisions.

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The next morning was a cloudy and dreary one. Vinnie rolled out of bed and peered out of her rather large window. She leaned against the windowpane and watched the little sprinkles of water droplets run down the glass, creating a number of watery streaks. She wanted to count them, but it was impossible. She looked behind her at the digital clock on her nightstand: 7:37 A.M. It was a little early for her, but she found it hard to sleep the night before.

Today was her last day at the institute. She had mixed feelings about leaving, but she knew she could not stay. She wanted to go home and continue living her life, but, yet, a bigger part of her wanted to stay so bad. She had made so many new friends; friends who actually cared about her. She sighed heavily, taking everything in.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, breaking the silence in the room as well as her train of thought. Vinnie whirled around in a bit of a surprise. She was not exactly expecting guests, especially this early. She certainly was not dressed appropriately. She looked down at the very short shorts she was wearing, and pulled the loose spaghetti strap on her tank top back up on her shoulder. She headed over to the door, and opened it slightly.

            “Hey, Vinnie!” Evan was smiling warmly on the other side. He was not the only one dressed in lazy apparel with his long white muscle tank top and baggy shorts.

            “Oh, hey, Evan!” She smiled back. Evan’s face was the only face she did not mind seeing this early.

            “Sorry if I woke you. I was just wondering something.” He half-grinned, reaching up to scratch his head like everyone seems to do when they are nervous.

            “What’s up?” She smiled, leaning on the door pane.

            “Well, I know you’re supposed to be leaving today, so I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk around the campus with me before everyone wakes up.” He asked curiously.    

Vinnie smiled. She had to look down at the floor because she actually began to blush a little. “Evan, I would love to take a stroll with you around the institute.” She giggled. “Are you sure you don’t mind walking around in the rain though?” She wondered, turning around to take a quick glance out of her window.

Evan shook his head. “No way, man! Besides, it’s only sprinkling.” He laughed.

Vinnie giggled, rolling her eyes playfully. “Okay, well, let me grab a hoodie.” She turned on her heel and walked over to her dresser. She did not notice Evan had taken a step inside of her doorway, but no further.

Evan was leaning against the frame of the door as he watched Vinnie search through the drawers of her dresser. He noticed the large suitcase, the duffle bag, and the other smaller bags next to her bed all obviously pre-packed. His face fell.


Evan jumped. Vinnie broke the gloomy trance he had slipped into. He quickly flashed her a fake smile. “Yeah, let’s go.” He mumbled, turning to leave the room with Vinnie following behind him. “Shhh. Everyone is sleeping.” Evan said, putting a finger to his lips.

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