Chapter 16: Secrets.

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Evan was racing through the mansion in a frantic search for Vinnie. He did not want anyone to know just yet, besides Kurt and Kitty. Rogue knew too, but she had probably forgotten by now. She hated Vinnie anyways.

"Did you find her?" Kitty announced. She seemed out of breath too from running around.

Evan shook his head. "Not a trace."

"We even checked outside... nothing." Kurt shook his head.

"Evan, we need to like, tell someone. Remy, Scott, or Jean." Said Kitty as she put her hands on her hips. All of them seemed exhausted from running around like crazy. It had been a few more hours since they discussed the matter, and with Vinnie just disappearing, it made them very worried.

"I mean... she could still be out walking around, you know? I don't want to jump to conclusions just yet." Evan mumbled.

Kurt and Kitty exchanged a look. "Do you think the Brotherhood took her?" Kurt whispered as if anyone outside of their little group of three could hear. Luckily there was no one else around.

Evan thought about it, and shook his head. "Impossible. She was here during the fight. And well, we were out there in the city fighting them. They were all there! Pietro, Fred, Toad, Wanda, and Lance. They were, weren't they?" Evan asked.

Kitty and Kurt both nodded. "I think so." Kitty agreed.

"Well wait." Evan mumbled. He took a moment to gather his thoughts. "I remember when I hurt Remy, Pietro disappeared shortly afterwards."

"You think Pietro ran over here and kidnapped her?" Kurt gasped.

Evan made a confused face. "Well, no. That'd be impossible too. The mansion's security would detect him and he wouldn't stand a chance." He frowned.

"That's not necessarily true, Ev. He's broken in before. That super speed of his can make him practically invisible sometimes. If he like, really wanted to break in, he definitely could." Kitty told them.

Evan did not think about that. It was true, however. And then the lightbulb went off in his brain. "The security cams! We can still check those and see if anything suspicious happened." Evan thought.

They all turned and ran to the security room which was under the mansion. It was actually right next to the Danger Room. There were a lot of security cameras spread all throughout the property, and some cameras were even inside the mansion, like in the giant front lobby, the study, the Professor's office, the dining hall, and a few other larger places, one being the actual security room itself. Once all of them were in the security room, they locked the door behind them. No one was ever in the security room. But why should they? Their security was tighter than the White House. Anyone in the security room was in there for the sole purpose of finding something out, but stuff out of the ordinary rarely happened at the mansion. The Brotherhood were even smart enough to leave them alone. If there was anyone on the property that the security face cams did not recognize, the hidden artillery around the property would surely get to them first before the X-men could even blink. The only person they knew of capable of fooling the security was Pietro. He was so fast, the cameras usually would not be able to detect him. The Professor had better serveillance cameras with higher frequencies and detection abilities installed for this very reason, but they still were not good enough. However, Pietro usually was no match for the entire X-men crew. So there was really nothing to worry about too much.

Evan sat in the large leather chair on wheels at the control panel, observing the fifty or more television screens in front of him. "That one." He said, pointing to one. All of them watched intently as Evan began rewinding the live camera footage. "How far back should I go?" He mumbled.

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