Chapter 14: Damaged.

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    “Vinnie, hold still! Seriously!” Kitty mumbled in frustration as she tried to dab the wound on the back of Vinnie’s skull.

Vinnie winced. “It hurts, Kitty! Geeze!” She growled, instinctively pulling away from the damp cloth Kitty held. She nearly fell right off of the sink countertop.

            “Well, if you’d quit moving I’d like, be able to do this faster.” Kitty sighed, shaking her head. She patted Vinnie’s wound again, and Vinnie flinched.

            “Oh my gosh, just give it to me!” Vinnie hissed, snatching the cloth away from Kitty. It was speckled with blood. “It’s fine!” She muttered, throwing the cloth across the bathroom. It landed in the bathtub. Vinnie reached up and began to massage her temples, and sighed heavily. “Sorry.” She grumbled.

Kitty clasped her hands behind her back and looked down at the floor. “It’s all right.”

There was an awkward pause.

            “You can leave if you want.” Vinnie sounded more harsh than she meant.

Kitty glanced up at her with an almost hurt expression.

Vinnie rolled her eyes. “I didn’t mean it in a pissy way.” She murmured.

            “For what it’s worth, you did a great job out there.” Kitty murmured back, just before her entire body began passing right through the floor… and then she was gone.

Vinnie felt like a jerk the way she treated Kitty. She did not mean it… but she was certainly frustrated. The whole day had gone from great, to awful… just in a matter of hours. She battled Remy and won during the best Danger Room session she had ever done… then she was officially called to a real fight and gained the X-men title because the Professor thought she was just that great… but then she was injured in several different ways during the fight… then Evan stole her thunder… and now she was sitting in a bathroom, painfully dabbing at the wound on the back of her skull.

Vinnie leaned back against the mirror, shifting a bit. The rimmed part of the sink was beginning to make her backside a bit uncomfortable. “I seriously just need a relaxing girly sort of day.” She mumbled to herself, shutting her eyes. She jumped at a harsh knock on the door. “What?!” She hissed.

The door cracked open, and Remy peered in. “You okay, dolly?” He murmured.

Vinnie leaned back against the mirror. She did not realize she was getting blood splatters on the glass. “Fine. Just tired and frustrated.”

Remy entered without asking her permission, closed the door behind them, and sat on the edge of the bathtub facing her. Permission or not… he can do whatever he wanted since he is, in fact, one of the leaders of the house. “What’s goin’ on.” His questioned sounded a lot more like a simple statement.

Vinnie did not answer.

            “Well?” He mumbled, leaning forward with his crossed arms resting on his knees. He furrowed an eyebrow.

            “I sucked today. I got the crap beat out of me… more than once! I tried to take down Pietro, but failed at that because Evan got in the freakin’ way, and now my head won’t stop bleeding!” Vinnie whined, reaching back to feel her head. Leaning back on it irritated it and caused it to bleed out more.

Remy just sat there, staring. Vinnie had grabbed a wad of toilet paper and balled it up in her hand, dabbing carefully at her head. He began to chuckle.

Vinnie looked at him. “What’s so funny?” She said with a questionable expression.

            “You’re right.” He shrugged.

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