Chapter 8: Curiosity.

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            “Still asleep, eh?” Logan mumbled to the Professor as he watched the students clean up the dining room table from lunch.

It was almost noon, and Evan and Vinnie had not come downstairs yet.

            “Yes. I don’t blame Vinnie for wanted to sleep. Using her powers last night for the first time took a lot of her energy.” He explained.          

            “Doesn’t look like Evan came down either.” Remy smirked, folding his arms and leaning casually back in his seat.

            “Yes. He’s with her. Normally I wouldn’t let that happen, but it seems the two of them have created such a strong bond I don’t want to damage that. I’m glad Vinnie is finally getting used to us.” The Professor smiled, blatantly ignoring his rule about boys and girls being together after midnight.

            “So, Logan, are we still taking everyone to the park today?” Scott asked, downing the last of his orange juice.

            “I don’t want to, but I guess.” Logan growled.

The others let out a laugh.

            “These kids need to get out of the house. I feel like if I don’t smash every computer, television, and cell phone in this place these kids will never get out of here.” Logan growled again.

            “It’s true.” Remy chuckled.

            “Well, I’ll start rounding people up. Too bad Vinnie can’t come with us.” Scott announced, pushing away from the table.

            “Yeah, Professor, can she come this time? I know she’s grounded, but she’s been through a lot.” Jean asked.

The Professor though for a second before answering, but he shook his head before speaking. “No, I’m sorry. I don’t want to risk it. Especially now since her powers have shown themselves, I don’t want there to be an accident in front of witnesses.” He answered. They could tell his expression was sorrowful for her, but his decision was final.

The others understood, and did not dare argue.

            “Well, let’s go. The faster we get out of here, the sooner we can return.” Logan mumbled, exiting the room without another word. Remy and Jean followed.


Evan rolled over onto his side, and clenched his eyes as the sun peering through the windows woke him up. He opened his eyes slowly, seeing Vinnie sound asleep next to him in the same position she was in when they first fell asleep. He smiled, and reached out to touch her face, but he hesitated. He was not sure if she was going to burn him or not, but he decided to risk it. He touched her face softly, and smiled when she felt normal.

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