Chapter 27

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I was bored. Mind blowingly, sing all your favorite songs until you're sick of them, check your arms and legs for weird moles over and over again bored. It had been five days. I wanted out.

Every day was the same. Reid and Joanna would come down. He would yell and scream and slap me as I ignored his asshat comments while she stood there helplessly. Then he would leave and she would step forward to ask if I needed anything. I always asked to talk to my brother, and she always said that wasn't possible.

I could see her attitude changing. I could see her wincing when Reid hit me, even when I didn't. Joanna hesitated every time she was told to do something, and only did so when Reid screamed. But she kept coming back. I couldn't help but wonder why. So on the fifth day, when she came down to check on me, I was prepared.

I was lying on the cot facing the wall when I heard Joanna come down the stairs. She paused, clearly confused as to what I was doing.

"Are you alright?" She spoke after several minutes.

I didn't respond.

"Miss Stark?"

Again I stayed silent. I heard Joanna begin pacing, and a few moments later, someone else started down the stairs.

"What the hells the matter with her?" Reid snarled loudly.

"I don't know. She hasn't moved since I came down here," Joanna responded quietly.

There was a small zapping noise; the forcefield was down. My heart started beating faster as stepped closer to me. He grabbed my shoulder roughly and began to yank me away from the wall when Joanna protested.

"Sir, I think you should leave her alone. There's a very real possibility that somethings wrong with her."

Reid's footsteps went back towards her and I exhaled silently.

"Like what?"

"A-anything," Joanna stammered. "She could have the flu, or a cold, or she could be pregnant, or-"

Oh HELL NO! I screamed in my mind but stayed perfectly still.

"She's not pregnant," Reid spat. "She's faking."

"I'm starting to think we should let him down here," Joanna said quietly. "Maybe he can get something out of her that we can't."

I could practically hear steam flying out of Reid's ears.

"No, we are not-"

"UUUGHHHHAHHBB," I cut him off with a loud groan.

"Sir!" Joanna snapped sharply. "It's the best option."

Now I expected Reid to be foaming at the mouth out of anger. He was silent for a few minutes, then sighed loudly.

"Fine. Go tell him."

He stomped up the stairs and out the door. Joanna lingered, and I almost turned over to thank her.

I didn't.

After a few more moments, she left, and I exhaled loudly. My plan had worked. Sort of. What felt like eons later, I heard the door slide open. Suddenly, I was terrified. Footsteps made their way across the room and stopped a ways away.

Torn {Bucky Barnes FanFic}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя