Chapter 24

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"It's my fault."

"Bucky, stop that."

"It's true, Steve," Bucky snapped and my heart ached. "If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't be in this situation. Tony wouldn't have found out what I did to his parents, he wouldn't have thought to pass that goddamn act, he wouldn't have thought that I killed those people, and we wouldn't be holed up in my old apartment with million dollar bounties on our heads!"

"Jesus Christ can you stop saying that!"

He stopped pacing the small room and looked over at me. I had started shaking when they began explaining what had happened, and it wasn't getting any better. Bucky struggled to find something to say to me, but gave up and buried his face in his hands stressfully.

"Bucky, stop," I muttered.

"I'm sorry, Cara," he snapped. "I'm a little stressed right now!"

"We're all stressed."

"Yeah, well this isn't all your fault."

I stood up and quickly walked over to him. "And it isn't your fault either!"

"Stop fucking patronizing me!" He snarled.

I folded my arms and shook my head at him. "You're overreacting."

"Overreacting?!" Bucky repeated. "Cara, you just used a tranquilizer injection on your own brother. The fact that you are standing in this room right now means that you'll never be able to go back to the way things were before. I'm sorry if I think that's a big deal!"

"My god, Bucky, you-"

"Stop, both of you. Stop," Steve cut me off angrily. "You're disagreeing, I get that. You guys both think you know what's best for each other."

"I don't-"

"Alright, people. I have known about this relationship for less than an hour and I can already explain what is happening here," Clint sighed. "Bucky, you're worried that Cara has ruined her life for no reason. Cara, you don't care about ruining your life you just want to be with him."

I locked eyes with Bucky and swallowed the lump in my throat. He pushed his hand through his hair again and exhaled loudly.

"I'm sorry," he said lowly, touching my shoulder gently.

"Me too," I whispered.

I wrapped my arm around his and rested my head on his shoulder briefly. My eyes wandered around the room, and I starting wondering how they'd survived here this long.

"So how is this whole...situation working?"

"There's, uh, two bedrooms back there. We've got a few sleeping bags in there. Then we take turns taking watch at night," Steve started. "Right after we refused to sign the act and left, Wanda went and bought a load of food and stuff so we've got that. Before we came here we took pretty much all of our weapons and such with us and that's all hidden throughout the apartment. It's not ideal, but we make it work for now."

"And what's the plan?"

Steve hesitated and glanced towards Sam. "We're still thinking of one."

"Okay. Alright," I nodded slowly. "So we have us, who refuse to sign the act. And Tony has Natasha, Rhodes obviously, and Bruce-"

"Uh no, actually," Wanda interrupted me.


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