4:Official Member

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I got ready for my one-on-one with Kagami. I asked Riko-senpai for some clothes so she gladly lend me her shorts and Hyuuga-san lend me one of his shirts. I tied my long brown hair in a pony tail and did weird stretches before we started. 

Kagami smirked at me. "Let's start!" 

"Okay, you're on defense and I'll be on offense" I decided as I took the ball from him. He positioned himself still smirking while I just rolled my eyes. 

This is a piece of cake. 

I quickly ran pass him and immediately dunked the ball not even feeling tired. Well that was boring... I thought he was the "Miracle that didn't become one of the miracles" sort of guy. I turned to a shock Kagami and yawned. 

"Is that all you've got?" I put my left hand on my hip and dribbled the ball with my right. "C'mon, take the ball from me" I challenged with a smirk. He glared at me and tried to steal the ball from me but I quickly dodge his pacing body and swift behind him making him stumble on the ground. 

"Is that all you've got?" I raised an eyebrow. He gave me an annoyed glare with a nerve pop and stood on his feet. He tried to steal it again but I shot the ball not even moving from my spot. 

His eyes narrowed. "W-What?" 

"That's just a short intro in my skills" I said to him. I turned to Riko-senpai. "Am I fit to be member, Riko-senpai?" I smiled at her. After seconds, I sweat dropped at her. 

Her eyes were shining as she watched me in awe. "So cool Tsukiko!!!" she praised her eyes shimmering. All of us sweat dropped at her. 

"Uh, so am I in?" I asked again. She grabbed both of my hands in hers and nodded like there's no tomorrow. "So cool Tsukiko!" she repeated. Okay, she's creeping the crap out of me... 

"Gah whatever! I'm going to get stronger and beat the crap out of you!" Kagami pointed at me even though we're a few feet from each other. Psh, like that will ever happen. I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Alright! Because of our new official member! Practice is cancelled today!" Riko-senpai announced. 

"Ehh???????????????" the players looked at her shock. 

"Coach has lost it!!!" Koganei-senpai exclaimed, looking at Riko-san with a horrified expression. He's exaggerated... 

"B-But coach!!!" Hyuuga-senpai doubted reaching a hand to her. She gave him a bear smile and then announced something making them react louder. "Oh yeah, I scheduled a practice match tomorrow! So later should be a relaxing day for you!" Riko-senpai started skipping away from the gym. 

The players looked at her gloomily. It's like a dark aura surrounding them and they look scared... They were sweating bullets and kept gulping. "Is there something wrong?" I asked. 

"Of course there is! Coach is skipping!" Hyuuga-senpai told me, shouting. 

"W-What's up with that?" I asked again. Hyuuga-senpai silenced and sulked at the corner. I turned to Kiyoshi-san and gave a questioning look. 

"Well, whenever the coach is skipping happily like that... it means the opponent we're up against is very strong or there's one of the Generation of Miracles in the team" Kiyoshi-senpai explained to me. I tilted my head at him. 

"Who's the Generation of Miracles?" I questioned as the looked at me like I was crazy. 

"You don't know them?!?!" they exclaimed. I shook my head. Izuki-san sighed. "I guess you really are a newbie her. Everything's really NEW to you" he said with a smile.

Silence occured... 

"Oh come on didn't you guys get it?!" Izuki-senpai exclaimed. Hyuuga-senpai threw a shoe at him. "THAT IS THE WORST ONE YOU gOT!!!!" he yelled at him. I sweat dropped. 

"I know! Let's all go to the MAji Burger to celebrate Tsu-nyan's official membering!" Kiyoshi-senpai suggested. 

"I said stop calling me that!" I shouted at him annoyingly.

"That's a great idea!" Koganei-senpai agreed. I shrugged. 


"Congratulations Tsu-nyan!" The players congratulated me, while Tetsuya blew a victory whistle and Kagami kept eating his hamburgers. I wonder if he'll choke on those again... 

"Arigatou mina" I smiled and heard them coo again. "KAWAII!!!" I flinched away from them and moved closer to Kagami. They're weird... 

I scanned all of them and didn't found Hyuuga-san and Riko-san anywhere. "Ano, Kiyoshi-senpai, where's Riko-senpai and Hyuuga-senpai?" I asked my senapi beside me. 

"Oh, I think they went home ahead" Kiyoshi-senpai making me suspicious. Is there something between those two??? I rubbed my chin. "Is there something wrong, Tsu-nyan?" 

"Nothing--don't call me that!" I scolded him with a nerve pop. He just laughed at me and ate his food. 

"I wonder who'll we go up against?" I wondered, sipping on my shake. 

"You're going to play already, Tsu-nyan?" Kiyoshi-senpai said. How many times do I have to remind him to stop calling me that? 

"I don't know, I don't have a jersey yet..." I replied. 

"Oh, don't worry! We have a spare one!" he assured with a smile. 

"Really?" I said and received a nod from him. "Tetsuya, do you still have the jersey?" Kiyoshi-san asked Tetsuya as he nodded. "I'll give it to her when we get home" he informed them. 

"Alright!" Kiyoshi-senpai cheered. 

"I think we should go now Tsukiko" Tetsuya stood up from his seat. "Emiko's home alone"

"Eh, so you having a sister is true??!" Koganei-san reacted. Tetsuya nodded. I sweat dropped. 

"Why would he lie about having a sister, senpai?-___-" I said. I stood up and followed Tetsuya. "Bye mina!" I waved and left with my cousin. I excited for tomorrow!


another chapter !!!! >W< hope you're liking it so far!! <3

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