23: Kiss of Ease

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After that confession of Aomine, and Tsukiko, things remained the same. They didn't even mention it and just continue what they're doing. The 'Daikiko fangirls' were disappointed because nothing has changed. They were expecting something 'romantic' but no... Aomine isn't born for that. 

Today was their match, and the GoM and Tsukiko were assigned in the game. Right now, Tsukiko and Aomine were practicing because they'd be playing against british players. 

"Aomine-kun jump higher!" Tsukiko told him as he reached for the ball and successfully stole it. The brunette smiled at him. "You're getting better at this," she complimented, putting her hand on her hip. 

"Thanks," Aomine put his hand behind his head and blushed. Tsukiko just smiled at him and shot the ball as he stared at her. She never spoke about the feeling they both shared; it made him wonder. "Hey, Tsukiko..." 

"Yeah?" she glanced at him. 

"What happens when--" 

"TSUKIKOCCHI!" Kise joined them at the court, together with Kagami and Kuroko.

 "Oh, it's you guys, hi there," the brunette greeted them.

 "Why are you two still here? Doing something naughty?" Kise teased, nudging Aomine at the arm. 

"Shut up!" he whined while blushing then glanced at Tsukiko, waiting for her response.

 She caught his stare then smiled making him blush even more. "Fine, fine, just go get ready before we leave," Kise reminded them while laughing.

"Still training huh?" Kagami spoke as Tsukiko nodded at his direction. "Yeah," Kagami asked the ball from her as she passed it to him.

 "We're just getting ready," she said as Kagami went for a dunk. He and Tsukiko started playing one-on-one with her now using 70% of her strength. She has increased the percentage of the strength she used against the players she played against since they were getting better and better. Especially Aomine who seems to enjoy whenever he plays with her.

 Aomine suddenly stole the ball from Kagami and forced a smirk at him. "C'mon don't leave me behind" he said through gritted teeth. Tsukiko snickered and decided to steal the ball from him. "Oi!" he whined.

"C'mon let's have a 2 on 1," Tsukiko told him. "Me and Kagami versus you"

"Eh?! How come you're teamed with him?!"

"But I thought you're the only one who's allowed to play against me?" she teased.

Aomine huffed and looked away. "Whatever."

 After a few shots, Satsuki and Aya went in to get them because the bus has arrived. They fixed their things and went towards the bus.

 Tsukiko stopped from walking when she noticed Aomine not moving and staring down at the ground. She went back approaching him and peeked at his face.

"Are you okay?" she asked. 

He snapped out of his daze and looked at her. "Y-Yeah, just nervous."

 Tsukiko giggled and pinched his cheeks. "Aw, is my prince charming afraid to go head to head against English soldiers?" she cooed then giggled. "C'mon don't worry, as long as the whole team's there to support us everything's going to be alright. We'll be fine," Tsukiko grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the exit.

"But, what if we lose...?" Aomine was skeptical as Tsukiko stopped and face him.

"Winning isn't everything, Daiki," she stated in a serious tone as his eyes widened and he grinned. 

"You're right," he beamed and was surprised by her planting a kiss at the corner of his lips. 

"There, to ease the nervousness," she smiled as they continued to walk towards the bus waiting for them outside. He stared at her astonished while blushing and just smiled at her.


huwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Q_Q im sorry this is a short chapter:< and the chapter title kinda sucks... so im REALLY SORRY! it's just a filler chapter though... will continue to update>.< i owe a lot of chapter to you guys!

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