Touring around the province with a stalker

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“We’re off!” Tsukiko waved goodbye to their grandparents together with Tetsuya and Emiko. They told them that they’d tour their friends around the small town of their first then let them visit their house and eat lunch there afterwards. And in the afternoon they’d take them to the flower fields which their grandparents own and let them relax there for a while.

The three arrived at the inn and now opened the fixed door. “Tanukibaba did a great job!” Tsukiko complimented cheerfully.

Tetsuya noticed that Emiko was quiet and looked nervous when Tsukiko went upstairs to call their friends. Her face reddened when she heard Kagami yell from upstairs because Tsukiko made Tanukibaba call him.

“Is there something the matter, Emiko?” Tetsuya asked his sister which she flinch afterwards. Emiko faced him. “Nothing, why?” she stammered.

Tetsuya stared at her for a while then shook his head. “Nothing” he waves it off then looked at the stairs where Tsukiko just got down.

“Tetsu~~ help me wake up Aomine!” she pouted like a little kid and pulled Tetsuya with her. “You too Emi~~” she pulled Emiko too. They reached upstairs and found themselves in Aomine’s room where he was snoring loudly and wouldn’t budge when Tsukiko threw a pillow at him.

“See! He wouldn’t move a muscle!” Tsukiko complained crossing her arms with a huff. Tetsuya bent over to Aomine and flicked his forehead which he didn’t budge. Emiko tried to wake him up by putting sticks into his nostrils but he snort it out and continued to sleep.

“Hm, Aya-chan will you come here for a sec?” Tetsuya called his purple head friend who came running in the room with a questioning look. “What is it, Kuro-chan?” she asked tilting her head to the side.

“Aomine-kun is hard to wake up again” Tetsuya informed her which she responded a nod then smiled. “Don’t worry Kuro-chan! I’ll let Aka-kun take care of this!” she reassured beaming and disappeared of to get Akashi.

“Why did you have to call her?” Tsukiko asked. “You could’ve just ask directly to Akashi”

“Well if we did Akashi-kun would do something different. He wouldn’t just wake him up. He’d--” Tetsuya wasn’t able to finish when Aya entered with Akashi who looks merely annoyed at the hard to wake Aomine.

“He’s doing this again huh?” the red emperor sighed and walked closer to Aomine.

“What do you mean again?” Tsukiko raised an eyebrow then glanced at Aya for an answer.

“Oh, it’s just whenever we go on training camps or vacations like this during middle school, Daicchi would always be the last one to get up. So I always get Aka-kun to wake him up, and he does every time” Aya explained and finished with a smile.

“But Tetsuya told me that they have to get you to call Akashi, why is that?” Tsukiko asked.

“Oh it’s because Aka-kun always--” before Aya could finish her sentence, they heard Aomine scream in pain as they glanced at Akashi and him discovering—“Aka-kun stop strangling Daicchi!!!” Aya scolded her boyfriend and pull the red head from the punished tan player.

“E-Eh?” Tsukiko looked shocked and blinked at Akashi.

“That’s why we have Aya-chan here…” Tetsuya muttered and sweat dropped. “Aomine-kun, since you’re awake, please get dressed. We’ll be touring you around the area” the phantom requested politely while Aomine murmured in response.

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