17: Training Camp - Day 3

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Tsukiko was walking through the hallways alone when she passed by Aya who seemed rushing about something. "Tsuneko! Have you seen Daicchi?!" Aya asked her, stopping in front of her as she panted, resting her palms on her knees. 

"Aya," Tsukiko faced her. "Gomen, I haven't seen him, but I bet he's--" 

"Okay then, I'll see you!"Aya ran off as Tsukiko dropped a sweat and thought where Aomine could be. 

She thought of the same place she'd always found him and headed towards there and she was right, Aomine was playing at the outdoor court again. She watch him throw some shots making her smile. It somehow gave her a gleeful feeling that she enjoyed; just watching him play, making her happy that he's dedicated to the sport again.

 Aomine noticed her watching making him stop and face her. "Tsukaiju, what are you doing here? And why up so late?" he quizzed as Tsukiko held both of her hands and Aomine passed the ball to her. 

"I should say the same to you," Tsukiko answered and shot the ball.

"What does it look like? I'm practicing," Aomine stated the obvious and took the ball. Tsukiko smiled at him. "Well then, let me teach you some of my tricks," she offered. 

Aomine stared at her for a while and looked away. "No way," he said stubbornly. 

Tsukiko popped a nerve and huffed too. "Suit yourself," she crossed her arms. Aomine opened his left eye peeking at Tsukiko and saw her pout. This made him chuckle and pass the ball to her. She was startled by the ball but caught in anyway and looked at Aomine. 

"Let's play," he challenged.

The whole night, the two just played against with each other and you guys know who always win. Tsukiko gave Aomine tips about drives and turns she uses, but he just hides his interest because he was too stubborn to be taught at. 'He's stubborn all right...' Tsukiko sweat dropped. 

"Oh!" she remembered. "Aya was looking for you earlier," she informed him as he looked at her curiously. "Why?" Tsukiko shrugged. 

"Who knows?"

 "That girl..." Aomine thought about Aya and shook his head smiling. Tsukiko flinched and faced Aomine. "What's that smile for?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

Aomine looked at her. "Nothing," he muttered. "Do you like Aya?" Tsukiko suddenly asked as Aomine almost choked on his own saliva. 

"W-What?! No!!!" he protested looking at her like she was crazy. 

Tsukiko looked at him suspiciously. "Then what's with that reaction," she looked at him skeptically. Aomine blushed and just looked away. 

"Why do you care if I like her?" it was now Tsukiko's turn to blush. "W-Whatever!" she walked away as Aomine stared at her back.

'Stupid Aomine...' Tsukiko muttered to herself.

'What's up with her?'


Tsukiko entered the gym catching every guy's attention; even Aomine's when she looked at him and huffed looking away. Aomine sweat dropped and wondered what's up with her so he approached him and challenged her to another one-on-one. "Oi Tsukiko--" 

"Daicchi!" Aya appeared and grabbed Aomine by the wrist. "I've been looking for you last night! Where were you?" Tsukiko looked at Aya's hand clamped onto Aomine's arm as she felt uneasy and just decided to look away when Aya and Aomine noticed her look. 

"Tsuneko???" Aya wondered tilting her head to the side. Tsukiko flinched and smiled sheepishly. "Y-Yeah?" "is there something wrong?" "W-What?! No! I just..." Tsukiko thought of an excused and saw Kagami. "I'll just go play with him over there..." Aya and Aomine looked over to Kagami. 

"Oh Taicchi..." Aya smiled.

 "Yeah... Taicchi..." Tsukiko trailed off and went ahead to play with Kagami.

'Stupid me...' she cursed herself and happen to bump on Kagami. "Oi watch where you're going, Tsukiko," he told her as she stepped back. 

"Gomen, Taicchi" Tsukiko said out of nowhere, not realizing he called him by his nickname that came from Aya.

 He flinched. "W-What?!" Tsukiko's eyes widened and realizing it and covered her mouth. 

"S-sorry!!! I meant Kagami! Gah! I got infected by Aya's nickname habit!!!" Tsukiko exclaimed horrified.

 Kagami sweat dropped and tossed her the ball. "C'mon let's do one-on-one warm ups," he told her. "Sure," she nodded.

"By the way, did Aya already mentioned our first match against another country?" Kagami mentioned as Tsukiko swift pass him. "Really? No she hasn't," Tsukiko replied and shoot the ball through the ring. "Oh I thought she already did since you two are roommates"

"Well, Aya always comes in late because of the training schedules she prepares," the female explained and gave the ball to Kagami so he could shoot. He shot the ball which just hit the ring as he jumped for a rebound and dunked it. "I see," he said and saw Aomine behind Tsukiko and pulled her by her shoulders startling her. "A-Aomine?!"

"Sorry for the interruption Kagami, but I think I made it clear to you yesterday that I'm Tsukiko's official challenger," Aomine told Kagami who gave him a warning glare. Tsukiko didn't know why but she blushed and pushed Aomine's hand away. "urusai!" she yelled at him and walked away.

"OI! Tsukiko!" Aomine called back but Tsukiko ignored him and continued to walk ending up in the restroom. 

"Tsukiko-san," Emiko appeared behind Tsukiko after she washed her face and lifting it up from the sink. "Gah!!!" she jumped away from the bluenette. 'I thought I was already used to them!!! But no!!!' 

"Is there something wrong? You look troubled when you entered the restroom," Emiko asked her cousin. 'She was here the whole time?!' Tsukiko sighed and smiled.

"Nothing it's just--let's just go back to the gym," she said as both of them walked back to the gym. As they entered the gym again, Aomine came rushing towards Tsukiko and shove a ball to her face. "Oi! I challenge you!"

Tsukiko nerve popped and looked at Aomine annoyingly. "I'm not in the mood," she said, and walked away. Being annoying as he is, Aomine followed her and kept bugging her about having a one-on-one. "I TOLD YOU I'M NOT IN THE MOOD! GO AND PLAY AGAINST BAKAGAMI INSTEAD!" she yelled at him.


"WHAT ARE YOUR COMPLAINTS ABOUT ME NOW?!?!?!" Kagami but in, pushing his cheek against Aomine's as electricity triggered between their eyes. 

"EVERYTHING!" Aomine hollered as Kagami nerve pop and they started fighting. 

"Oi! Stop it you two! Jeez, you two are like children," Tsukiko scratched the back of her head. "HE STARTED IT!" The two instantly stopped and blamed each other. "ENOUGH ALREADY!!!" Tsukiko scolded them as they silenced.

"Tsuneko sure can order them around..."Aya said while watching the two at the bench beside Akashi and Satsuki. "Like the way you order Akashi-kun around!" Satsuki added as Aya giggled. "I guess you're right besides--" Aya paused then started fangirling. "DAICCHI LIKES TSUNEKO!!!!" she shrieked as the two sweat dropped beside her.

Aomine looked at the troubled female monster and walked closer to pat her head. "Now, now Tsukaiju, don't let your steam out here, show it all out on our first ever game," Tsukiko looked up at him. "Against Korea."

ANOTHER CHAPTER INDEED!!! ho ho! The opponent was just a random country though oWo hope you guys like the chapter!!!! <3

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