5:Cat Ears

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Tsukiko's POV

Today's the day!!! I've been excited for my very first game in a while! I need to refreshen my skills as a player. I gladly stretched my arms while walking to school with my two bluenette cousins. "Tsukiko-san seems to be energetic today" Emiko commented taking a look at me.

"That's because we're going to have a practice match later!" I exclaimed excitedly, throwing my arms in the air. Tetsuya managed to give me my jersey last night. It was a medium sized that has an exact fit on me. But a bit tight on the chest... The previous owner must be flat chested. Kidding!

We arrived at Seirin and proceeded to our class. I happen to see Kagami on my way to enter our classroom. "Oi! Kagami!" I called him cheerily.

"What do you want? I'm so sleepy..." he replied, lazily or boredly or rather he didn't even care at all.

"What time did you sleep last night?" I asked as we entered our classroom. His head collapsed on his desk as I sweat dropped looking at him. T_T 

"ASFSAGA" I couldn't understand him.

"What?" I cupped my ear leaning closer as I sat temporarily on the seat in front of his.

"I didn't manage to sleep last night" he lifted his head making his eyebags visible. I sweat dropped. He looks like a zombie.

"How come?" I asked again.

"I was too excited for the game today" he answered. "We're up against Touou" Touou? Touou... Touou... I rubbed my chin thinking of the team. "You don't know the school?" he asked me in disbelief.

I scratched my head. "Well, I don't really pay attention in the winners of the games. I just want to watch them" I explained. He twitched his eye at me and sighed.

"Well, Touou Academy's the 1st runner up school in the InterHigh competition. And one of the best teams in Japan" Kagami explained. I nodded my head. "Plus, they have the Generation of Miracles' ace, Aomine Daiki"

I blinked at him. "Generation of what?" I titled my head. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Seriously? You don't know them?" I shook my head. "Well, I was the same with you when I arrived here in Japan. But it's still confusing that you don't know them"

I knocked on my head and stuck my tongue out childishly. He sighed boredly at me as our sensei entered the classroom and our boring classes started.


It was finally dismissal as I excitedly dragged Kagami with me towards the gym. I didn't even care if he bumped his head because he kept yelling and complaining telling me that's he's okay and still alive.

We arrived at the gym as I dropped Kagami on the floor. I caught attention of the players and some other unfamiliar ones... wait, is Touou already here? "Tsukiko! Kagami! Where did you go?! Why are you two late?!" Riko-senpai appraoched us with a scold.

I put my hand behind my head. "Gomen, Riko-senpai, our sensei dismissed us late" I apologized. She sighed. "Just change already okay? We're already 2 minutes late" She ordered us as we both nodded and proceeded to the changing rooms.

"Oi, you're going to change in there too?" Kagami pointed at the door.

"Of course I will, where do you want me to change? Outside there, at the court?" I raised an eyebrow stating the obvious.

"Whatever, go ahead first, I'll go wait here until you're done" he let me in first as I changed into my jersey with the number 9. Ugh--still tight. I exited the room and poked Kagami. "You're turn" I smiled at him as he got in.

I went back to the court and placed my gym bag on the bench. "Tsukiko" I had a mini heart attack to see the Kuroko siblings behind me. Since when did they get there? They tilted their head in confusion on why I was startled. I swear they look like twins.

"Y-Yeah?" I asked Tetsuya.

"Where's Kagami?" he replied.

"Oh, he's still changing" I answered receiving a nod from him. I turned to Emiko. "What are you doing here, Emiko?" I asked the mini girl version of Tetsuya.

"Oh, I'm the new manager" she answered, showing her new manager ID. I nodded with an 'ah' and saw Kagami re-enter the gym, now in his jersey uniform.

"Looking good Kagami" I smirked at him. "Ready for the match?"

"Yeah, yeah" he waved it off and dumped his gym bag on the bench. I sweat dropped at his laziness. He could've just placed it properly on the bench. I shrugged and here Kiyoshi-senpai call for me.

"Tsu-nyan!" he called with a smile. Not tha name again. I looked at him and saw that he was holding a headband with cat ears. He approached me as I eyed the headband suspiciously. "Um, Kiyoshi-san, what is that for?" I raised an eyebrow.

He followed where I was looking at and looked at the headband in his hand. He smiled and shove it at my face. "It's for you Tsu-nyan!" he said.

My eye twitched. "What?"

"Here!" He put it on my head and blushed while admiring me. "So kawaii Tsu-nyan!" this caught the other players' attention and started to blush looking at me with sparkles around them. The only ones who weren't mobbing me were Kagami and Tetsuya(of course he's my cousin).


"Urusai!" I all smack them on the head while blushing. I was still wearing the stupid cat ears! I was about to remove it when Izuki-senpai stopped me. "Wait! Meow for us first before taking them off!" he pleaded. I sweat dropped. Is he serious?!

"N-No way!" I denied blushing. They all pleaded. "Onegaishimas!"

I sighed. "Fine" I finally agreed as they cheered. "Meow" I purred boredly. They still find it freaking cute!!!

"KAWAII!!!!" Then Riko-senpai hit them all with a paper fan. Even Kagami was involved. I gagged trying to hide my laugh. "Bakas! Focus on the game will you?!" she scolded them. "Hai" they all replied, gloomily.

"Gah! Why isn't the game starting yet?! I'm bored!" Kagami complained impatiently.

"You're the one whose late!" Riko-senpai hit him again. "Anywyay, we're just waiting for someone"

"Eh? Who? I thought we're the ones whose late?" I wondered.

"Well, Aomine's still not here and the team is still waiting for him" Riko-senpai explained. I still haven't known this so called "ace of the Generation of Miracles", Aomine yet. I wonder how good is he?

"Baka! Why are you late again?!" a pink haired girl scolded the guy with dark blue hair and tanned skin who just entered the gym lazily.

"Yeah, sorry" he replied and dumped his gym bag at their bench and stripped his varsity jacket revealing his basketball jersey. He's number five. I looked at Kagami who was smirking uncontrollably then glanced back at the tanned guy who smirked at him too.

Must be the Aomine guy he was talking about.

"Alright! The team's complete!" Riko-san cheered. "We'll now start the practice match!"


New chapter mina! :D Next chapter: Practice Match!! :)

So... who do you think Tsukiko will like in this story so far?? >:) :)

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