12: There's still more

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Tsukiko's POV

 "Gah!" I gasped, catching my breath after playing a few rounds with Aya. Damn, she's as good as Aomine! No, she's better than him! I think I gave half just by playing at her! And she even hasn't sweat that much!

 "Daijobu, Tsuneko?" Aya looked at me worriedly, approaching me.

 "Y-Yeah" I raised my head, trying to look okay. But I wasn't. I'm exhausted crap! I think my knees are going to collapse any minute now. I knelt down on my spot for a minute catching my breath.

 "You don't look okay, Tsuneko..." Aya placed her hand on my shoulder. Okay, her nickname to me is starting to get on my nerves. I shove her hand away and stood on my feet. Well at least I can still stand.

 I heard footsteps that approached the court. I didn't look at them; with my back faced to them. So far our scores tied, but I had a feeling that Aya's not giving it all too. It's not like I wasn't satisfied with her. It's like she's better than I imagined.

 "Tsuneko..." Aya called me again.

 I looked at her and smiled. "I'm okay" I told her. "You're pretty good; you manage to let me pant. That's something" with that she smiled at me.

 "You too!" she beamed. "Now I know why you're called the Monster Player! You made me give my all!" what? Is she kidding me? I don't believe her for a second... I know she still has something to give!

 "Aya! Let's have a rematch!" I challenged her.

 "E-Eh?" she gave a questioning look.

 "I know that isn't your all! I want you to show me your full strength!" I smirked at her innocent face, with her big purple eyes blinking.

 "That won't be necessary" an intimidating voice spoke as my head shot a red head guy who was just a few inches taller than Aya. He had hetero chromatic eyes and his look says that you don't wanna mess with him.

 "Aka-kun?" Aya turned to him. A-Aka? Let me guess... that's his nickname that he's receive from Aya.

 "Tsukikocchi's here too!" Kise exclaimed, smiling at me.

 I looked at the group he was with and discovered different colors of hairs. Kise had yellow, and that green head Midorima guy was here too, Tetsuya with light blue hair, and Aomine who had dark blue hair. Hm, they're like the rainbow buddies... ooh, that television show Teletubbies!! I love that show! when I was a kid I used to watch that and—

 "Oi, Tsukaiju, are you there?" I blinked my eyes to see Aomine's face a few inches from mine after waving his hand in front of my face.

 "O-Oh, y-yeah" I stammered snapping back to reality. I can't believe I remembered a kiddie show while I'm with them. Especially with this Ahomine; I bet he'll tease me when I accidentally speak my mind aloud.

 "Oi! Stop spacing out!" he shouted annoyed.

 "What do you want?" I sneered at him with a glare.

 "I'm challenging you to a one-on-one!" he demanded pointing his finger at me. I annoyingly slap it away from my face. He doesn't need to point at me when I'm a few feet away! Aho!

 "Oh, Daicchi, Tsuneko and I just had a one-on-one, she's pretty exhausted--"

 "Tsuneko" I heard Aomine gag receiving a glare from me. "I can't believe she calls you that when you're not close to the cuteness of a cat" he laughed, loudly. All of us sweat drop at him; with a nerve pop added with mine. Who does he think he is?! As if he's cute like a cat! I bet he doesn't even have one at home!

 "Urusai!" I was about to step forward and give him a punch but my knees betrayed me and collapsed on Aomine.

 "O-Oi!" I heard a loud thud. Oh god, my body must be exhausted from playing with Aya! I opened my eyes and saw Aomine staring at me while blushing. Crap, I forgot that I was on top of him! "G-Get off me!"

 "G-Gomen!" I blushed and shut my eyes and stood up with Tetsuya helping me up. Aomine followed and had a mini heart attack to see Tetsuya standing there.

 "S-Since when did you get there?!" he pointed at Tetsuya even though he's just a few feet away. He needs to stop that habit of his, it's rude.

 "Tsuneko!" Aya approached me with a worried expression on her face. "Daijobu? Gomen!" she bowed with a guilty look. I held out my palm reassuringly.

 "I-It's okay Aya, I'm okay" I assured her. She raised her head with tears at the end of her eyes. She surprised me a hug with us almost collapsing on the floor. "Oi Aya..." she pulled away with a smile.

 "Gomen Tsuneko!" she beamed. "Tell you what? I'll cook you my special sushi recipe for you tonight! Sounds good?" she suggested, catching all of the guys' attention.

 "Special sushi recipe?!?!" Aomine exclaimed excitedly.

 "W-What's up with that?" I asked but Kise immediately took Aya's hands with his eyes sparkling. "Ayacchi! You're going to cook that again!?" he screamed as we all flinched at his voice. Akashi glared at him and chopped his head and pulled him away from Aya.

 "Baka, she just said it, didn't she?" the red head sneered.

 "Make me some too!" Aomine requested while grinning. "Sure" Aya smiled with a nod while Aomine fist pumped. They seem pretty close for some reason; kinda like a brother sister relationship, but something tells me there still more with the way Aomine looks at her.

 "I know!" Aya snapped. "I'll make some for the celebration later! For the start of the training camp!" she cheered together with Kise and Aomine. Akashi just sighed and Midorima adjusted his glasses standing beside Akashi, looking like an apprentice of his.

 "Yeah!" Kise and Aomine cheered.

 "Okay then, I'll go the kitchen to help the cooks out!" Aya said and was about to leave but Akashi blocked her. "No, head to your room first and rest for a while before working again. I don't want you to get tired" he ordered her and tossed a pair of keys to her.

 I felt something poking me and turned to Tetsuya who was handling me a key too. "Aya-kun and you are teammates since you were missing when they assigned it" Tetsuya informed. Oh you've got to be kidding me.

 "Got it?" Akashi reminded her.

 "H-Hai!" Aya saluted and disappeared of to our room. I sighed and went to sit on the bench for a while to rest my exhausted legs. I heard the ball dribble signaling that the guys were playing against each other. It was 2 on 2, with Akashi paired with Kise and Aomine with Midorima.

 "Are your legs okay?" someone spoke from beside. I was startled a bit and saw it was Tetsuya sitting beside me.

 I nodded my head. "Yeah, that Aya is something" I replied. "I can't believe she was giving her all when battling me. I figured she still has something more to give"

 "There is something more" Tetsuya said watching the four players play against each other. I glanced at them too while talking to my cousin.

 "I see..." I said. "So she belongs to the so called 'Generation of Miracles?'"

 "No" Tetsuya shook his head. You've got to be kidding me. "Only those four including Murasakibara-kun are the generation of miracles" he explained. "But still... Aya-kun's skills are as high as Aomine-kun's"

 "I see..."

 "I don't know what's yours though..."


 "Your skill in basketball..." he said. "I think there's still more you haven't showed us"

YES YES YES YES!!! My writer's block has been perished! <3 arigatou for supporting my new book!! ^.^

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thank you! <3

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