2:First Day

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"So Tsukiko, what brings you here in Tokyo?" Riko was now interviewing Tsukiko after they joined tables with the team. Tsukiko sipped on her shake before answering.

"Well, my parents had to go abroad to work, and the place where we're staying at is a total dump so they decided to send me to Tetsuya, my relative here. Since his parents work abroad too, they agreed to send me here" She explained and took another sip of her shake.

"Oh right, Kuroko lives alone too right?" Kiyoshi asked Tetsuya who shook his head while drinking his milkshake and surprising them.


"I have a sister with me" he mentioned.

"What?!" Shinji exclaimed. "You never mentioned that you had a sister!!!"

"You never asked" Tetsuya shrugged.

"Anyway, he didn't even mention that his relative's coming, so whatever" Hyuuga sighed finishing his fries and looked at Taiga who was still munching on his burgers. "You eat too much Kagami" he commented.

"LWARAMEEAREABEARA" they couldn't understand on what he was saying because his mouth was full of food then started choking.

"Don't talk when your mouth is full idiot!" Junpei scolded him with a nerve pop. Taiga continued choking as they worriedly watch him cough.

"Here drink this" Tsukiko gave him a drink as he accepted it pushing the food through his esophagus and gasp. "Gah! You're a life saver! Thanks a lot!" he thanked her. "No problem" Tsukiko shrugged.

"Eh, Tsukiko-kun, is it alright if I call you Tsu-nyan?" Kiyoshi asked with a hopeful smile. Tsukiko glared at him. "No" she sneered. "What! Why?!" Kiyoshi pouted.

"I don't really like people calling me nicknames. It's annoying. Just call me Tsukiko instead. I'd rather be called by my first name than receiving nicknames from other people" she said.

"But 'Tsu-nyan's cute" Kiyoshi reasoned.

"Urusai Kiyoshi!" Riko scolded him. "Anyway, Tsukiko, I hope you enjoy your first day in Seirin tomorrow. I assure you there's so fu~n!"

"Ehh!! You sound like Kiyoshi-san!" Taiga pointed out. Riko glared at him with a nerve pop. "URUSAI!" she slapped him again.


The next day Tetsuya walked with Tsukiko and Emiko, his little sister. They entered the campus and saw Taiga on the way. "Oh, Ohayo Kagami-kun" Tetsuya greeted him.

"Ohayo Kuroko" Taiga replied then looked at Tsukiko and blushed. "O-Ohayo..."

"Ohayo--I haven't got your name yet..." She stared at him. "Even the team's name..." she muttered to herself. 

"Oh, he's Taiga Kagami" Tetsuya introduced his teammate to her as she nodded. She let out a hand surprising Taiga. "Hi there, Taiga Kagami" she smiled at him. He blushed and accepted the handshake offer. 

They retracted their hands from each other as Tetsuya gestured to his sister. "And this is my sister that I mentioned yesterday, Emiko" 

"Ohayo, Kagami-senpai" Emiko bowed.

'He exactly looks like Tetsuya!!!!' he thought his jaw dropping.

"Uh, if you don't close your mouth a bug will enter it" Tsukiko joked giggling at Taiga's blushing face as he closed it.

"Hmph!" he crossed his arms and looked away.

"Anyway, Kagami-kun can you do me a favour?" Tetsuya asked catching Taiga's attention. He raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" he inquired. "You see, I have to deliver Emiko to her class. I was wondering if you could walk Tsukiko to hers too, if that's okay with you" was Tetsuya's favour.

"Ehhhhh?" Tsukiko and Taiga said at the same time. They looked at each other then turned their heads away from them with a hmph.

 "Tetsuya, I can walk to my class by myself!" Tsukiko told her cousin.

"But you're not good in directions. You got lost in a mall when you were 14" Tetsuya mentioned with a sad look. Tsukiko felt a nerve pop while Taiga tried to hold his laughter.

"Am not!" She denied blushing then looked at a laughing Taiga.

"Aww, little Tsukiko got lost at a mall" he cooed pinching Tsukiko's cheeks. She slapped his hand away and gave him a glare. "Urusai" she sneered but Taiga kept on laughing.

"Fine, fine, I'll deliver her to class. It'll be a great help to the lost children" Taiga wiped his tears of joy as Tetsuya bowed. "Arigatou" with that he left with Emiko.

"Ehhhhh????" Tsukiko stared in disbelief. "Oi Tetsuya! Don't leave me with him!!!" she pointed at Taiga.

"Oi! I'm just next to you! Don't point at me like that!" he demanded.

"Urusai BAKAGAMI!" She yelled back. Riko and Hyuuga suddenly arrive with their captain pushing up his glasses in annoyance. "Man, Kagami you're so noisy in the morning" he complained as he and Riko entered the campus.

"Oh, Ohayo, Tsukiko!" Riko greeted Tsukiko with a smile. "Oh, Ohayo, Aida-senpai" Tsukiko replied.

"Ehh??!! How come you know her name and you don't know mine?!" he whined.

"Well, Aida-senpai gave me her cellphone number yesterday before I walked home with Tetsuya. She said if I needed anything that's related to "Feminine" stuff, I could call her" Tsukiko explained as she and Taiga joined their senpais in walking.

"Oh, why so? You got Emiko don't you?" Taiga suggested, raising an eyebrow.

"Emiko?" Riko and Hyuuga wondered at Tetsuya's little sister's name.

"Mm" Tsukiko nodded. "Didn't he mention it yesterday? He has a sister"

"Oh right" Riko remembered touching her chin. "What does she look like? Does she look like Tetsuya?" she asked, looking interested.

"Yeah. Actually, she exactly looks like him" Taiga answered. "How come you’re a brunette and Tetsuya's a bluenette?" he looked at Tsukiko's brown hair. She shrugged. "I don't know. We're distant relatives after all"

"Hmm" Taiga nodded. "Anyway, I still have to deliver you to your room, we should be going senpais" he said as they separated their ways and made their way to the bulletin board to check Tsukiko's class.

"I told you, you don't have to do this" Tsukiko reminded.

"I told you too, it's okay" Taiga reassured. They arrived in front of the board and looked at it. "Besides... oh you're in my class" he said looking at it.

"You're right, oh well, let's go" Tsukiko said as she and Taiga made their way to their class.


chapter 2 already !!! >W< pls comment and vote! :D hope you like the story so far! <3

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