26: Take a break, Have a date. (part 1)

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Get ready for exploding feels...


When everyone was ready to go, Aya and Satsuki dragged their boyfriends along. Although Tetsuya wasn't really dating Satsuki. 

They chanced to drag Kagami, Tatsuya and Takao along, while Emiko had requested Riko to go with her cause she knows Tsukiko would be with Aomine.

 They arrived at the mall, and started to walk around and window shopped. They kept circling around the same area, making most of them whine and just want to go home.

 "S-Sorry, everyone! I forgot that I wanted to buy something!" Aya remembered out of the blue as they all glanced at her. "Eto... Aka-kun! Please come with me!" Aya dragged Akashi along with her and gave that "signal" to Momoi telling her that the plan has started.

"O-Oh, Tetsu-kun! Let's check out some clothes over there!" Satsuki hugged Tetsuya's arm, making him sigh, knowing their plan and just went along with it. 

The two disappeared as Midorima sighed and pushed his glasses. He signaled Takao as the black haired sighed and went along. 

"Oi Shin-chan, how about we go check out that feng-shui store you like?" he suggested. Midorima looked at him and nodded not saying a word.

Riko saw the signal and nudged Kagami at the shoulder. She gave him a glare as he flinched, feeling scared at his coach. 

"Say Murasakibara! How about we grab something to eat?" he said and gave a signaling glare to him. Murasakibara didn't say anything and just nodded as they walked away, leaving the rest wondering. 

'Since when did those two became close?' Tsukiko wondered. 

"Well I guess I better go after them, bye." Tatsuya waved. 

"C-Chotto matte! I'll come too!" Riko chased after them.

"Eh? Emikocchi! We get to go on a date!!!" Kise chirped, throwing Emiko a hug but she dodged him, sending him flying on the ground. 

"So mean Emikocchi!" Kise pouted. 

"I don't want to get crushed," Emiko stated and stood beside Tsukiko. 

"So then, where do you think we should go?" Tsukiko asked as they all shrugged. 

"Hey, I think there's a show going on there, why don't we check it out?" Kise suggested, pointing at his left. 

"Sure." they agreed and walked towards the direction Kise was pointing at. They saw a magic show being held and seemed to catch their attention. Tsukiko and Emiko were entertained at the moment while Kise took the chance to talk to Aomine.

"Hey Aominecchi, don't you think this is a double date, huh, huh?" Kise nudged Aomine with a teasing smile. 

"Huh? But there's not enough guy--" "So mean Aominecchi!" Kise knew what Aomine was about to say so he cut him off. "Anyway, when are you going to ask Tsukikocchi to be your girlfriend huh?" Kise continued on teasing Aomine by nudging him even more. 

"How about you? When are you going to admit that you're gay?"

"I'M NOT!" Kise argued. "Seriously Aominecchi..." he sighed. 

After seeing the show, they decided to grab something to eat and ended up sitting on the indoor bench to rest. Tsukiko glanced at Aomine and noticed some sauce left at the corner of his lips. 

"Hey, you got some..." she pointed on her lips as Aomine wiped her mouth. "Not mine! yours!" she exclaimed. 

"O-Oh sorry," he wiped the wrong side of his stained mouth. 

"Baka." Tsukiko chuckled and wiped it for him. "There." she smiled making him blush as they sat there in deep silence, feeling a bit awkward. 

"Hey Emiko--" Tsukiko noticed that her cousin was gone and so was Kise. "Where are Kise and Emiko?"

"Eh? They left us?" Aomine looked around, not finding the two. He noticed two pair of eyes peeking behind a wall and recognized that it was no other than his and Tsukiko's fangirls. "Those two..." he muttered under his breath. 

"What was that?" Tsukiko asked. 

"Oh nothing." he waved it off. "Hey let's take a walk around the park, I think it's just a few meter away from here," he suggested. 

"Eh?" Tsukiko blushed. 'Just the two of us?' "S-Sure."

They stood on their feet and made their way towards the park walking through tons of people. Tsukiko bumped onto someone making her almost loose Aomine but he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the crowd. 

"You okay?" he asked. 

"Yeah." she smiled. 

They continued walking but Aomine didn't let go of her hand; they walked to the park hand in hand until Aomine had stopped and asked her to ride on his back. 

"Eh? Why?" she wondered raising an eyebrow. A sweat ran down on Aomine's head as he glanced over his shoulder as four shadows hid behind some trees around the area. "Let's just say, your prince charming is trying to save you from stalking wolves." he reasoned.

"Did he just call us wolves!?" a too familiar voice said behind some bushes as another one shushed. "Shh! they'll hear you!"

"C'mon." Tsukiko sighed and just rode behind Aomine's back and was surprised of Aomine's sudden sprint. He was fast so she hugged him from behind tightly and closed her eyes as if she was riding a rollercoaster. 

"Aomine!!! why are you running so faaaaaaaast!!!!!" Aomine turned to a corner and set down Tsukiko there. "What are you--" he covered her mouth from behind letting her lean on him as he let footsteps pass by. 

He let go of her and sighed to receive a smack from Tsukiko. "What was that for?!" he complained holding onto his head.

"What was that all about Ahomine?!"

"Oh sorry about that, some people were stalking us so I just wanted to lose them," he explained. "Man, why leave us two alone for a date if they'd follow us anyways," Aomine muttered to himself but this Tsukiko heard them. "A-A date?!"

"Oh, so you didn't notice them..." Aomine answered. 

Tsukiko just blushed and covered her face again. The usual thing she'd do when she's all red. 

"Why are you covering your face again?" Aomine removed her hands from her face. He stared down at her as she looked away her face still faced at the ground. Aomine find it  rather cute making him grin and pinch her cheeks. "C'mon, how about that walk around the park?" he intertwined her fingers with hers. 

"S-Sure," she agreed and walked with him.


FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! i'm done with le pts of mine and would continously updated to day as long as my brain juices can handle <3 hope you guys like this chapter!!!and this is to be continued...

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