16: Training Camp - Day 2

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Tsukiko yawned after sitting up from bed. She noticed that Aya's bed was already empty and looked in the bathroom if her roomate was there. 'Looks like she's already awake' she thought and washed her face. After that, she went to the dining area to see Midorima and Kise having cup of tea early in the morning. 

"Tsukikocchi! Good morning!" Kise greeted her gleefully. She smiled and sat beside Midorima who was parallel to Kise's chair. "Eh?! Tsukikocchi didn't greeted me back!" he pouted. 

Tsukiko sweat dropped. "Ohayo, Kise," she sheepishly smiled as Satsuki appeared. "Tsukiko-chan you're awake! Let me get you tea!" she chirped and went to the kitchen and returned placing a cup of tea in front of Tsukiko. 

"Arigatou, Satsuki," she thanked the pink haired who returned her a smile. 

"Where are the others?" Tsukiko asked, sipping on her tea. 

"They're still asleep, it seems we all woke up early," Midorima answered, pushing up his glasses. Tsukiko noticed this and gave him a weird look. 'He does that all the time...' she thought. 

"Aya's not in her in bed, have you seen her awake?" Tsukiko asked them. 

"Oh Ayacchi got up early because she haven't finished the training for today. Akashicchi suggested that they'd work on it together this morning," Kise answered with a smile. 

"I see," she nodded and sipped on her tea again. 

"Ohayo," someone appeared beside Tsukiko, making her spit her tea. It was her cousin Tetsuya popping out of nowhere again, giving the three of them a mini heart attack. "Tetsuya?!" 

"Kurokocchi! You almost killed us there," Kise let out a sigh and put his hand on his heart. Midorima just sighed and push his glasses up. Tsukiko nerve popped. 'I'm starting to get annoyed with that pushing his glasses habit'

"Oh Tetsu-kun! You're awake! I'll go get tea for you!" Satsuki smiled and went to the kitchen again and returned with a cup of tea again. "Arigatou," Tetsuya thanked her. 

"Tetsuya, Kagami's not awake yet?" Tsukiko asked checking on the red head. Tetsuya looked at her after sipping his tea and nodded his head. "His snore actually awoken me," he informed her with a blunt tone. 

"I see, a loud snorer eh?" Tsukiko rested her cheek on her palm with a playful smile. All of them chuckled at the thought imagining the funny scene with Tetsuya giving them an annoyed look. They just laugh it off and silenced when someone walked in looking like he hasn't sleep in ages. It was Aomine with big bags under his eyes. 

"Oi..." Tsukiko called him as he dragged himself towards the seat next to Tsukiko where Tetsuya was seated. He didn't notice the bluenette was there and was about to sit on him when the phantom spoke as he jumped away fully awakened.

 "T-Tetsu?! Since when did you get there?!?!" he exclaimed his eyes widened but the eye bags still remained. Tsukiko looked at him and laughed. 'Aomine looks stupid... and somehow... cute'

"What are you laughing at?!" he hollered at Tsukiko annoyingly. 

"Nothing Aomine," she held her laugh. Aomine narrowed his eyes and huffed looking away. Tsukiko continued to laugh silently. 

'What's up with those two...?' the remainig people in there thought looking at Aomine and Tsukiko. "Gah! I'm so tired!" someone entered the room, stretching his arms. It was Kagami. 

"Ohayo Kagami!" Tsukiko greeted him with a smile. 

"Ohayo, Tsukiko..." he replied sleepily and slept as soon as he sat on a chair. Aomine looked at Tsukiko curiously thinking why she let Kagami call her by her first name. 

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