8:Monster vs Copy Cat

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Tsukiko’s POV

So after that weird day, the team’s practice continued but I was separated from the training because Riko-senpai did a separate program for me since I’m a girl. It’s really weird because up until now we still didn’t have any official games. Only practice games.

After class I stood up and approached Kagami since we always walk to the gym together. Hey we’re classmates no other romantic thoughts okay?

We entered the gym and saw our senpais practicing already. “Oh, Tsukiko, Kagami, you’re here, where’s the Kuroko siblings?” Hyuuga-senpai asked, after shooting a three pointer.

I shrugged. “I don’t know, we didn’t see him in his classroom--”

“We’re right here” I and Kagami jumped to see Emiko and Tetsuya just a few feet away from us. S-Since when did they get here?! I finally relaxed and let out a sigh.

“Stop doing that!!! Both of you!” Kagami yelled at the two as they both tilted their head to the side. Seriously, I think their twins…

“Alright mina!” Riko entered the gym with a list in her hands. She approached Emiko and requested to take down notes on the player’s training.

“Got it” Emiko nodded and placed her things on the bench and took Riko-senpai’s side. Riko-senpai looked at the three of us. “What are you three waiting for? Go change for practice already!” she ordered.

“Hai!” the three of us chorused and walked to the changing rooms. We stopped in front of it and looked at each other. “Um… so who’s going first…?”

“Of course uasfsag” Tetsuya interrupted Kagami while he talked by shoving his hand on Kagami’s face. I sweat dropped. “You can go ahead Tsukiko” he told me. I gave a sheepish smile. “T-Thanks?”

I entered the changing room and stripped of my school clothes and put on my training attire. I think the two was already changing outside (._.) I heard some noises and a shoe dropping from a bag… they must be eager to train.

I finished changing and opened the door to let the two in. “Oi you two can…”

“Shut up Kuroko!” a shirtless Kagami shouted at my cousin annoyingly. Why the hell did he take his shirt of?!?!?! o/////o. He noticed me and turned to me showing those… gAH SIX PACK?!

I shook my head and closed my eyes and exited the room. “Y-You could change now” why am I stuttering?

“About time” said Kagami and walked in grabbing his gym bag and was followed by Tetsuya. Tetsuya stopped by me and whispered. “Sorry about him, he wanted to change already”

“H-Hai. Got it” I replied and he proceeded inside. I stared at them as Tetsuya closed the door and I heard Kagami scream because of Tetsuya surprising him. He never gets used to it, does he? I sighed and shook my head.

I head back to the gym and saw tons of girls at the platform and a blonde guy sitting there while giving out autographs to the girls surrounding him. Who’s that guy? I approached Riko-senpai who was watching the blonde boredly and annoyingly.

“Um, Riko-senpai, who’s the guy over there?” I asked her.

“Oh, he’s Kise Ryota” she answered still annoyed at the fact that the gym was filled with girls because of the blonde.

“Kise?” I wondered, no idea who he was.

“Eh? You don’t know him?” she put her hands on her hips. “Well you don’t know the Generation of Miracles but… Kise Ryota’s a model so it’s confusing that you don’t know him”

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