7:Weird Day

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Tsukiko’s POV

I lazily rolled myself on the floor, trying to cool myself. Damn, it’s so hot in the house! As of now, Tetsuya and Emiko went to buy new shoes because Tetsuya’s shoes were broken because of his dog using it as a new chew toy.

I decided to stay home because I was… too lazy. But now I’m regretting it. It’s so boring in the house that you’ll be completely insane! I’m not really an indoor person. So why the heck did I stay behind?! Stupid me.

I decided to follow them to the city; maybe they’re still shopping?

I stood up and made my way towards the door slipping my feet into my outdoor shoes and went outside. I took a final glance at the dog that just followed me by the door. “Wait here; I’ll just follow Tetsuya alright?”

Stupid me, the dog don’t even understand a word I say. Well, at least I reminded it. I shrugged and sprinted towards the city, with gradual speed. I wasn’t looking at my sides causing me to bump onto someone.

My body fell down on the floor with a large “oof” as I rubbed my butt in pain. “O-Oh, gomenasai, I wasn’t looking where I was going” a blonde haired guy offered a hand for me to stand up.

“It’s okay, I wasn’t looking either” I stifled a laugh and accepted his offer. Soon enough, I was standing in front of his tall frame. Whoa, is he an athlete or something?

Well he looked handsome, you could say that. And I wouldn’t be surprise if he was a model. “Uh gomen” he spoke putting his hand behind his head. “But I have a photo shoot in 20 minutes, so I have to really leave you”

“I-It’s okay, I have some business to go to as well” I assured even though I really don’t have. He smiled at me. “Ciao then!” he gave a quick wave and disappeared to where he was going.

I continued to walk towards the city and went to the mall to look for Tetsuya and Emiko. Should I call them? Well the answer’s yes, duh Tsukiko.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Tetsuya number then put my phone next to my ear, waiting for him to pick up. After a few rings, he finally picked up. “Hello?”

“Oi Tetsuya! Tell me, where are you and Emiko? I’m here at the mall, I followed you two” I chirped asking for the sibling’s whereabouts.

“Oh well, we happen to pass by Kagami-kun and he happens to be looking for basketball shoes and we decided to buy with him. Unfortunately, his feet are too big and we’re having a hard time looking for his size. We’re still looking” Tetsuya explained through the phone.

“I see, hey, want to meet up at Maji Burger after you’re done?” I suggested.

“Sure” he replied.

“See you then” I hung up. Well I guess I have some alone time strolling around the mall. I wonder where I should go.

I started to wander around the mall just looking at the window shops until I saw a green haired guy with a puppet plushie on his hand. I sweat dropped. He’s weird. He saw me looking at him and shoved the puppet on my face. “It’s today’s lucky item, nanodayo”

What the heck?!

“S-Sure” I pushed his hand away and frowned at him. He kept staring at me, weirding me out as I looked around awkwardly. “U-Um, so uh… sup?”

He pushed his glasses up and sighed. “What’s your zodiac sign?” he suddenly asked. When did that come from? Bleh, it won’t hurt if I tell him.

“Virgo” I answered.

“I see” he said and looked at the brochure he’s holding. Yeah, it was a horoscope one. “You’ll have an odd day today, good luck” with that he left, while waving the puppet in his hands.

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