Chapter 2: The fight

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    The day never even started when my eyes openned. As I look over to the alarm clock beside me the time is just as the starry sky indicated, 5:30am. School starts at 7:30, so I don't really know why I wake up at this hour. I pass the time doing the usual, but now I'm thinking about Daniera... A lot.

    My heart races every time and my body begins to do everything happily whenever I do. I don't understand, nor do I want to, but if this is love, I am going to freak out.

   I decide to get to school earlier than expected since I have nothing better to do. No one is inside the classroom, so I sit on my desk and draw while hearing music. It soothes me and whatever thoughts races through my mind. And so far it was working, until I see a hand covering my drawing.

   I know who's hand this is, but I really don't want to show any emotion... I smile warmly.

     Such an idiot!

  I give up. I poke her with my pencil, "Hey Daniera." 

    She quickly places her hand on her cheek, "Ow! Stop sharpening your pencils so much!" She laugh a bit and looks over my shoulder, "Anyways, what'cha drawing there?"

   I can't look at her... Not just because my heart races every time I do. I stare at my drawing and say,  "Well, I was trying get to finish my art homework."

  Daniera widens her eyes and quickly sits at the desk next to me and takes out her math notebook, "Shit! I forgot about the math homework!"

     Did I say math homework?

  She flips her notebook quickly and looks at it for five minutes straight then looks over to me, extending her arm with her hand open, "Uh. Hey, can I?... "

  I throw the notebook at her. Honestly, she's hopeless, but I kind of like that.

    "Knock yourself out."

    "Thank you so much!"

  She quickly opens it and starts copying off everything. The bell rings and everyone starts entering and set themselves in their seats.

   Hisui comes in and takes the other seat next to me at the other side and looks over to me. Her voice is a little unsteady when she talks to me, "Hey Misheru... How you been?"

    "I'm fine. Just finished my art homework."

  Daniera puts the notebook on my desk and slams her head down at her own desk, "Finally! I did it!"

  I feel tiny bubbles of laughter come little by little out of my body, like it's tickling me, "Its about time!"

  Daniera narrows her eyes at me with the most serious face, "Shut the fuck up."

   The little bubbles that were gone from earlier rise again, but I can't help but double over of sweet sweet laughter.

   I can see Daniera's face grow red across her cheeks and yells, "Shut up!"

   The door opens and slams shut. Teacher here is a bit grumpy today, "Okay everyone! Turn in your homeworks!"

    "That was for today?!" a boy yells out loud.

     "Yes, that was for today and whoever didn't do it will lose 10 points."

   Some of the students groan while the teacher picks up the homework. I look out the window as I hear Hisui open her freaking mouth.

    "So... Misheru. You haven't...?"

    "No. I haven't, okay?" I answer back. "Now shut up about that, we're in class."

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