Chapter 7: Trust no one...

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   Ugh it's Monday again. I sit up from my bed not wanting to go to school. I feel something touch me.I jump a bit, until I see it's only Daniera. Right, I forgot that she stayed with me last night.

   I smile at her shaking her a bit. "Hey sleepy head we have school today."

   Daniera mumbles pulling the blankets all over her body.  "Bleh, give me an other five minutes."

    I lay down again and pull some of the blanket off her face. "Dude, seriously, we have to get up."

   Daniera wraps one of her arms around my waist pulling me close to her. "Nuuu! stay with me!"

    I giggle a bit and wrap my arms around her for a bit. "You know as much as I want to; I can't, so get up."

   I give her a quick kiss and pull her up. "Now, go and get ready or we'll be late... Again."

    "Fineeee neither way I can get you later after school." Daniera smirks sinisterly while shaking her hips side to side as she walks away.

   "W-what?!" I studder looking at her while trying to put my shoes on in a hurry.

    Daniera went to her house to get ready, so I took the advantage and made myself a quick breakfast.


     We arrive to school with five minutes to spare. Thanks to Daniera crazy driving that almost got us killed on the way. We head to our lockers and grab out stuff and our schedule for this week.

    We have Japanese, History, Science and Cooking class for this week. On our way we run into Hisui we walk together to class. Hisui seems awfully more quite today than any of the other days. When we got to our seats I turn to Hisui which she has her head down on the desk.

    "Hey, you okay Hisui?..." I put one of my hands on her shoulder gripping it a bit.

     She turns her head towards me smiling weakly. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something, that's all." She starts looking down again, having the same look when somethings on her mind. You can tell just by the frown on her face. She a very cheerful person, so it's kinda noticeable.

    "Dude, you can talk to me. So, come on spill it out. What's bothering you?" I ask in a serious tone looking at her dead serious.

   Hisui sighs and straightens up on her chair. "Okay, fine, but promise to keep it between us that means not telling Daniera either."

   I nod slowly starting to get more worry, "Okay fine, now tell me what's wrong?"

    Hisui looks down and then up to me. "Well you see I have a boyfriend...uh I mean had since we got into a fight and I'm pretty sure we done for good this time." She takes a sharp breath in as she softens her tense look a bit.

   "But now, I found this guy the other day which he seems kinda nicer and gives me more personal space not following me around all day and well you know. But, what I'm worry about that if my mom finds out that he's.... Um...20 years old she-"

   I interrupted her quickly with my eyes widen seeming to pop out of my head at any moment. "Whoa whoa! Back up, did you say 20 years old?! Hisui, sorry for saying this, but you're fourteen! I think I know why your mom would freak out! And, you just got out of a relationship and only a few days past and you're with an other guy already. Dude, what the fuck?!" I pass my hands through my face. Then I noticed mostly everyone in the classroom were staring at us.

       I really need to stop yelling all of the time. Mostly when I freak out.
    Hisui grips her hands, I can already see her face turning pure red. Shooting me a death glare, she stands up from her chair up with small rivers flowing down on her cheeks. "I told you to keep this between us, but no you just had to yell and tell almost everyone here!" she shouts at me while the river on her face just gets bigger rolling down on her cheek.

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