Chapter 16: New Worries

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Great. Back to school, after all the shit that has been happening recently. I couldn't skip school today tho. Why? Because this year I haven't been going to school as much as last year and today one of my old friends is transferring to my school. Let's hope Kisame doesn't pick on him because he's the new kid. I got ready as usual and ate a few things then headed on my way. I met up with Daniera and planned on giving her a quick kiss before going to school, but I guess things got heated up and we snapped out of it when we realized we only had 20 minutes to get to school.

We quickly ran to school as fast as we could. Once we got there, Daniera heads off to class so she can finish her homeworks. I notice my old friend that he's waving at me, I waves back with a smile. I'm glad he arrived here safe and sound. I went to the lockers to get a few things and that's when Kisame grabs me and pushes me against the lockers.

"You! You'll pay for making my life a living hell!!! Now even my brother hates me... And it's all your fault!!!" he yells and kicks me in the stomach and I coughed up a bit of blood. He keeps one punching me and kicking me. When he was about to finish me off someone starts to yell. It was my friend.

"Hey you!" A boy yells as he drops his books and backpack.

"What do you want?! I'm busy!" Kisame yells.

He punches Kisame right across the face and he doesn't even flinch.

Kisame drops me and I make a run for it to get to class, sorry but I really don't want to deal with Kisame right now I hope you understand. From the distance I can still hear someone punching him. I sigh in relief knowing it was him getting his ass kicked. I walked into the class room and see all of my friends waiting for me.

"Hey dude what took you-" Daniera widens her eyes looking at me." I swear I'm kicking Kisame's ass later!!!!" she growls softly.

"Count me in! He's not going to hurt anyone ever again!" Arisu said growling as well.

"Yeah let's kick his ass later!" Kayo and Ikuto yells smirking and grinning.

I smiled a bit and then stood up and wrapped my arms around Daniera laying my head on her chest. "Thank you guys..." I said softly while I felt Daniera rubbing my back softly. The bell rings and the teacher comes in.

"Okay students, we have two new students joining our class. Come on guys, don't be shy." The teacher announces and welcomes them.

"I'm Tanakashi Kairi. I'm glad to be here and I hope we can be great friends!" Kairi smiles and bows. Every boy in the classroom is staring at her wait... I look over at Daniera and she also staring at her.

I punched her in the shoulder lightly. "Hey! Aren't I enough for you?!" I asked whispering.

"Sorry! I couldn't resist!" Daniera bows her head blushing from embarrassment.

My friend walks up to the stand and writes his name on the board, "I'm Mizushima Yuuto. Nice to meet you all! Hope we have a very nice, new school year." He smiles brightly and bows.

Great now the girls are drooling for him, God can't they just all control themselves?! Good thing Daniera is gay so I shouldn't be worry about her checking him out too!

"Please choose a seat you two. Oh, there are you empty ones over there! How lucky!" The teacher smiles.

"Thank you." They bow and head towards the seats.

They walk past us and Yuuto waves at me and at the others as well with a smile, but he asked me something through a smile, "School rough?"
I answered back through a smile, "Yeah, a little."

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