Chapter 6: Pool party & Concert

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Finally it's Saturday, today is the pool party my class organized. It starts at 12pm and I still didn't know if I'm attending it or not. That would mean our last trip of the school.
To see Daniera and after last night, I don't know what to say to her when I see her again.

She just kissed me last night and ran off without saying anything. If it was only a dare she didn't had anything to worry about it, unless she feels the same way like I do for her?

I shake my head to snap out of it. I'll just go and try to avoid her I guess. I killed time around my house watching tv, reading comics, drawing, playing video games and playing with my guitar.

When it was time to get ready, I went off to my room, put on one of those beach shirts, and short pants.

I know usually girls wear bikinis, but I have never liked them. Hisui was picking us up today, so I went outside and waited for her. When she came I got in the car. While putting on my seat belt I saw Daniera through the mirror on the distance looking over at us.

Hisui smiles warmly, turning on the radio, "You ready?"

I return the smile the best I could, "Yup! Let's get going!"

It's was a longish ride, the place was only thirty minutes from where we lived. Once we got there, we park and walk in. Almost everyone was already here even Daniera. How did she get here so fast? I walk around with Hisui as we met up with her friends.

We entered the pool like three or four times while we had are little snack breaks. We were planing on going somewhere else after though. Of course, Hisui invited Daniera and she accepted the invitation, so much on avoiding her today.

When it was two thirdy pm we decided to start getting ready and head to the showers. I went when nobody was around and took a quick shower. As I was coming out I pass by Daniera. I didn't notice her before since I was avoiding her, but I saw she was wear this bikini of a band.

She looked over at me I quickly looked away blushing of embarrassment. I hope she didn't catch me and I quickly went to the changing room. I put on a red band shirt, black skinny jeans, black converse, and a leather jacket. I got out and I'm always the first one ready, so I went to sit on a chair and waited for them.

Moments pass and I hear someone coming. Great,It's Daniera. She was a good distance away from me. I tried my best not to look at her direction.

"Hey." Daniera said without moving an inch looking directly at me.

"Hey." I keep looking at the other direction trying to avoid any eye contact with her.

"L-look, about last night... I-" Daniera stops taking once we saw everyone coming this way.

"So... Everyone's ready then? " Hisui comes towards us. She's wearing a tank top with really short pants. Her long wavy brownish hair shinny a bit from the suns reflection. She lifts up her sunglasses looking at us.

We all nod and head towards the car. We had two cars Daniera's car and one of Hisui's friend's car.

"Hey, Can I talk to you for a moment?" Hisui comes up to me while try to catch her breath.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" I sigh and look over at her.

We start walking, "Is everything okay between you and Daniera? You two have been avoiding each other today."

My eyes widen for a moment then shut them close shaking my head side to side. "I-I don't want to talk about it okay? Can we just go?" I look around making sure she wasn't around. "Actually can you take me home I really need time alone."

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