Chapter 14: Battle Of The Brothers

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    "Here we are. Back at hell once again." Ikuto sighs leaning against the wall.

   "Oh well. At least Daniera and I got some time alone! Even if you set us up thanks again for the hotel thing." I grin widely rubbing the top of his head.

  "Yeah yeah, whatever. Everything would have gone to plan if it wasn't for Okami!" Ikuto yells in frustration.

"Actually, if it wasn't for him you would have kept taping us, so I'm glad he popped out of nowhere." Daniera sighs in relief and then smiles.

"Eh, if I wasn't there, he wouldn't let you have any alone time with Misheru, so your welcome!" Ikuto chuckles mocking Daniera.

   "None of this would had happen if you didn't plan anything in the first place." Daniera says childishly.

"Ugh! Lets just go to class already!" Ikuto yells annoyed and irritated.

    I giggle a bit at Daniera and Ikuto's argument, then we all head to class. We met up with Arisu and Kayo inside the classroom.

   "Hey guys! Did any of you study for the history test today?" Kayo asks calmly setting her books dowm

   "Yup and I'm ready for the test!" Arisu  sighs relief and crashes down on the chair.

"Good! Daniera? Misheru? What about you two? Did you study?" Kayo looks up at us narrowing her eyes a bit.

   "Uh, I didn't know there was a history test, first of all." Daniera chuckles nervously.

   "But, we can study a few things during the class we have before we go to history!" I rub my head a bit.

Kayo sighs "You guys. Always leaving things for last minute. Whatever, just try to learn something though."

"Don't worry, we will." I smile dragging Daniera with me.

The first class passed by really quickly. Maybe it's because of the test. And me and Daniera are really stressed out about this test, to be honest. When we enter History class, the teacher was already by the door handing in the tests. I swear I died a little when I saw her and the test.

    Daniera took a seat by my side and Arisu, on the other side and Kayu took a seat behind me. During the test, we were whispering at each other some of the answers. Well, almost all of us. Daniera was just hearing us and copying the answers since she didn't know anything, until the teacher moved Daniera to the front of the class. Everyone finished, except for Daniera, like always.

"That teacher just had to move me to the front of the class! I was doing so well copying of those three nerds! " Daniera pounds kicking the floor.

  We all laugh until Ikuto shows up angry.

   "I'm sick of all his bullshit! I need to knock some sense into that idiot!" Ikuto yells angrily kicking anything he could find.

   "Woah woah! What happened?!" Arisu starts to get worried trying to calm him down.

"My stupid brother! That's what happened!" Ikuto grips his hands.

"Ugh! what the hell did he do this time?!" I start to get annoyed just by knowing who he was talking about.

  "The real question is what hasn't he done!" Ikuto takes a seat trying to calm down.

   "That's none of your business bro!"
Kisame says walking towards us staring at Ikuti with deadly eyez.

   "You have a lot of nerves showing up after what you did Kisame. And don't call me bro!" Ikuto stands up walking towards Kisame.

   "Get the hell out of my way bro!" Kisame raises his hand to hit Ikuto, but Ikuto grabs his hand before he could hit him and punches Kisame in his stomach.

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