Chapter 9: Mini Vacation

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Again, stuck in this pitch dark space once more. The same gloomy presences surrounding me once more. Everytime feeling myself sinking deeper and deeper into it. I can feel its foggy atmosphere all around my body. Nothing is heard, for a few good minutes. Afterwards, I hear its raspy and unnatural voice echo through the whole space.

"Wakey wakey Misheru, you still have life left in you. And the fact that it isn't your time yet."

I start to fall down, feeling like I can fall down to the pits of the unknow forever. It like a tunnel, but it's only filled with the bad memories. Playing again all over, reminding me how much of a hell of a life I have had.

I wake up beats of sweat forming on the top of my head. My heart beating hard, wanting to brust out free from my chest. My hands shaking violently, worse than a vibrator. I touch my skin feeling it so cold, I thought it was frozen for a moment. I look to the night stand next to the bed flashing '5:38am'. I sigh and slump down on the bed once again. I really do hate hospital, especially when I don't know how I ended up in them.


There I was all ready to go, sitting at the edge of the bed looking outside the window. I look down at the stitches I have on my arms. This is going to take a long time to heal. I put the leader jacket on, so I can cover them on my way out.

I hear the door open quickly. I look over and saw Daniera. "Oh hey Dani, didn't see ya th-"

Daniera tackle hugs me to the bed dropping a few single tears, "Don't you ever dare scare me like that again!" She looks at me straight in the eyes "I was afraid. That I was going to lose you." She cries hard on my shoulder holding me tightly.

I look over at her, "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking clear, but I promise this." I take one of her hands and hold it tightly, "You're not going to lose me, okay? I'm going to try my best to not do any of that shit again, I promise."

Daniera wipes off her tears smiling, "You better! Now come on we have to go we are going on a mini vacation!" Daniera pulls me by the hand and walks me out of the room.

My eyes widen while I stumble a bit. "W-wait! What about school?!"

Daniera grins still pulling me by the hand. "Don't worry! We're only going to miss like three or four days."

I sigh giving in, "Fine, I hope we don't miss any test reviews."

Daniera narrows her eyes at me opening the door of the car. "Test reviews or not, you always get an A or a B even studying it for last minute, so chill, nerd."

I get in the car laughing. "You're right. I'm worrying to much about myself. I should be worried about you, since you're the lazy one."

"I swear if I didn't love you so much I would've kicked your ass already!" she closed the door behind her and got on and drove off to our house to get ready.


We got to our house and prepared a small bag with a few sets of clothes and other stuff. As soon as we finished there we head over and regrouped with the others.

"It's about time you two showed up!" Ikuto shouts from the distance tapping his feet on the ground.

"So, are you two ready?" Kayo asks walking up to us smiling brightly.

"They better be! They're the ones who have to show us the way! Well I mean Dani, but if one isn't ready we won't be moving." Arisu gets down from a tree she was in crossing her arms.

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