Chapter 3: Family Problems

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    I woke up a bit late today. I quickly got ready as fast as I could. I went downstairs and got something to eat mean while I saw my mom leaving to work while talking on the phone very loudly.

     She walks back towards me with her face boiling bright red. "Misheru be sure to be here at 7pm!"

     I look over at her, starting to shake out off nowhere. Knowing that what I was about to say next could actually break hell loss. "Why?"

   She stares at me, eyeing me with disgust. Those stares feeling like knife piecing me skin. "Just be here okay?!" She slams the door on the way out and I swear I heard it creak a bit.

   Great, so much on going to the movies with Hisui and Daniera.

    As I grab my bag keeping my sight down to the floor letting out a long sigh. I make my way out with zero motivation on wanting to reach the next hell hole.


    The bell rings just as I enter the bulding puffing quick breaths. I look for a moment at the emptyish darkish hallway. Knowing what monsters could lurk around them at this hour.

           Shit, I'm late again!

    I begin to run quickly through the hallways feeling like if my lung had some kind of new weights added to them. My breath gets heavier and my heart starts beating faster. Like it was right outside with me. Hearing the beats through my ears and blocking any other noise coming from the outside world.

    When I reach my classroom, I slam the door open trying to regain my breath. Trying to see if my hearts starts beating in a normally way again. I look up with my vision a bit hazy. Everyone looking at me with widen eyes and stiffing in their chair.

   "Well damn, try not breaking the door on your way in! " Hisui has her eyes widen showing a bit slight of amusement over them.

   I drag my body towards the desk and sunk down on it with my head down. "I ran here for nothing, since I don't see the teacher here."  I sigh trying to regain my strength and energy from that lovely marathon I just had.

   All the worries I have are quickly lifted away, as I quickly feel that gentle soft touch from her.

   "Hey, don't worry, at least you won't get detention." Daniera laughs lightly and that bright smile of hers quickly melts my heart.

    Then reality hits me again, memories of what happened yesterday comes flashing back like some sort of nightmare. Even though Kisame got his ass kicked. Daniera got in trouble because of it.

    I look at Daniera giving her a weak smile. "Oh right, so what happened to Kisame? Did they do anything to him?"

   Daniera's smile quickly turns upside down at the mention of his name. She sighs a bit fustrated and pulls a chair next to me sitting on it backwards.

   "Well, sinces he started everything and even though he's the one who got the beating." Her lips curls up and has a victorious faces all the sudden as she continues. "They suspended him for one whole week, so that's good news!"

    I can feel my lips curl up now as well. Just thinking about having a whole week with out seeing that smug  on his stupid face is an other promble lifted from my shoulders for a little while.

   "And oh by the way, guys remember. The movie starts at seven of the night."

     "What are we gonna see anyways?" Hisui looks over at Daniera while tapping her fingers on the desk a bit nervously.

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