Chapter 23: Final Goodbye

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   No, not again. Not this dream again. I need to wake up before it appears again. I look around my area and it was all pitch black. There was no sign of light. Not even a single bit.

     "You're scared of losing someone, aren't you?" the dark figure once again appears behind me. "You should be."  It starts laughing evilly. "Anyways, time is running out. You better get going. Oh, and one more thing. Things are only going to get worse and worse from here on. Good luck." the figure disappears in the darkness once more.

   I start to fall into this endless hole. I shut my eyes tightly and, when I open them again, I was in my old school. I start walking around, looking at them. There, I saw a little me being bullied by a few boys in my class. As I try to walk to them, it felt like it got further away from me. I stop and look at to the other side and saw my mother when she was beating me up for the first time.
     I need to wake up! I don't know how much more I can take of this! Then I saw my dad, on that time at the coffee shop where I ran off. I look to an another direction and saw Kisame beating me up on the first day of school. At another direction I saw the fight Hisui and I had. Then, the one where her friends had with me.

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