Chapter 4: Trusting Issues

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   I woke up at nine thirty in the morning today. School already started, so I decided not to go today. Not after what happened last night. I take a long hot shower and put some clothes on. I stay inside my house for a while watching tv and reading mangas.

   After a while I went out to the town got some drawing pencils,food and then took a walk around the park. On my way home I saw my door house open.

   Weird, I thought I closed it. I walk in slowly looking around everywhere. No one was downstairs. I went up to my room and saw Daniera sitting by the edge of my bed.

    What the hell is she doing inside my house?!

   Most importantly "How did you get in here?" I end up saying the last part out loud.

  Daniera turns around giving me a cold glare. I stop automatically and look at her feeling this empty feeling on the bit of my stomach. Like if some of the butterflies being shoot at.

    She makes her way towards me while holding something on her hands. "Oh, I have my ways I just wanted to check in on you, since I heard a fight last night in here." She stops starting to bit her inner check.

   "But, while I was looking for you around here I found something that we need to talk about." Daniera show me the razor I keep in the bathroom.

  My eyes widen quickly feeling my body freeze up at the sight of the razor. I grip my arm with one of my hands looking away to the other side of the room. The urge taking over me once again. Memories of last night flashing before my eyes. I bit my bottom lip hard as the taste iron washing over my mouth.

   I need to come up with a lie quickly or else she'll find out what I do to myself.

"Um, why are you looking around my things?" I look over at Daniera trying to remain calm.

   "Don't avoid my question." She stands up and walks up to me slowly yet emotionless. "So, you gonna tell me why you have this?"

   "Um...well I-I use it to cut stuff..." I look down trembling on my words starting to shake a bit as well. Trying to find words on explain why I use it. Better yet, trying to figure out a better lie.

    "What kinda of stuff Misheru?" She walks a bit closer to me looking at me dead serious.

"I.... I don't want to talk about it...look my mom can come home at any moment. You should go before she finds out you're here." I try to avoid making eye contact and went to the door.

   She grabs my arm, I try to fight her grip. Trying to shake her off. She just ends up pulling my sleeves up, revealing the deep cuts I did last night and the few bruises my mother gave me.

   She gasps her lips trembling. Her eyes soften seeing a flash of anger and sadness flash before her eyes. "Dude, what the heck happened last night?!" She softly and with care passes her fingers through one of my cuts.

    I look down bitting my bottom lip even more.

    Should I trust her or not I mean no one else knows besides Hisui.

    "Did your mom did this to you?..."

    Her soft gentel voice brings me back to reality as my gaze meets the floor. "M-maybe..." a few tears start escaping from my eyes.

  She lifts my chin up and with the other hand wipes my tears away carefully. Like if I were a simple delicate baby or something. "You know you can trust me right?..." She looks at me now more concerned than before.

    I rub my arm looking away from her, until she grabs my hands and puts them behind her back slipping them through her shirt.

   "D-Daniera what are you doing?" I stumble a bit starting to blush madly.

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