Chapter 8: Just give up on me...

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"Hey Michi, looks like our cooking teacher isn't here today!" Daniera rubs her hands together looking around sinisterly.

"You really don't like cooking class don't you, and Michi? Really?" I feel bubbles of laughter come out of me at the thought of the nickname she gave me. "Eh, Its better than the last one, so I'll give you that."

"Yeah and the gym teacher is watching us today, so maybe we can go outside?" Daniera's eyes shine brighter than a start, quickly narrowing her eyes at me after. "I don't see you coming up with a nickname for me, so you don't get to talk!" Daniera pushes me playfully grinning a bit.

"Hey guys would you mind? Go flirt somewhere else, please!" Arisu whines faking a bit of irritation.

"I'm actually on Arisu side this time you know. There isn't a bathroom too far from here.." Kayo smirks wiggling her eyebrows at us.

"Shut up, Kayo!!" Daniera and I yell embarrassed simultaneously.

Everyone that was with us laugh. While they were all laughing, Ever since Hisui and I had our fight. I have been hanging out more with Daniera's friends. Even Ikuto even though he's friends with Hisui. He seems to get along more with me. Speaking of the devil.

I see in the distance Hisui. We look at each other for a while, until I broke eye contact with her and went back to the group of people I was in.

"So hey, I heard that Hisui and you got into a fight, what happened? I thought you two were best friends?" Ikuto looks over to me boredly yet his eyes shine with curiosity.

I look down playing with my fingers. "Oh, well you know, some personal shit between us. It started off by me trying to help her, but then it turned into some personal shit and yeah. Things got out off hand and then at lunch, well you know, we got into a fight." I feel the gentle and soft touch of Daniera's hand on my back. Causing me to relax a bit and melt down into her angel touches.

"Oh wow... I'm sorry I really didn't think Hisui would do something like that." Ikuto rubs the back of his head feeling pitiful.

"Don't worry about it. Now, can we drop it already? I really don't want to talk about that event." I look up as they all nod.

We all stay there talking, until the gym teacher finally comes in.

"Alright everyone, listen up! You're all stuck with me for today, so we are going outside to play a game! Now let's get moving ladies!"

We quickly grab our things to put them in our locker, then we head outside. The sunlight hitting directly into my face. I hiss for a moment at it, call me a vampire because the sun bothers me when I'm inside too long. I feel a gentel breeze caress my face softly. Enjoying the small calm and peaceful moment I'm having. Then I hear that booming voice coming towards us.

"Alright! We will be playing dodgeball today! So half of the class is with me and the other half is with... Ikuto! Now choose a side and hurry up!" He yells quickly in a hurry.

We all quickly run to a side, of course Daniera, Arisu,Kayo and me went to Ikuto's side and even though Hisui is Ikuto's friend she didn't come to his side because of me.

"Okay ready, set... go go go!!!!" The gym teacher yells running and heading towards the balls quickly.

With that everyone starts throwing like crazy! I was dodging as quickly as I could, but Hisui was aiming at me all the time! The hell is wrong with her?! Can't she just drop it and leave me the fuck alone?!

I grab one of the balls and aim at her hoping that it would hit her, but it didn't... Talk about embarrassing! But I have another chance, she throws the ball and I catch it and she got eliminated. Thank god she's finally out. Kayo and Ikuto were already out, so much for Ikuto being the team leader.

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