Chapter 5: The Dare

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"So, how was the English test guys?" Hisui comes up to us with that cheerful smile of hers.

"Eh, I guess it was okay? " Daniera shrugs and rubs the back of her head.

"It was pretty easy and I only studied yesterday when you guys left." I cross my arms grinning widely.

"Show off." Daniera lightly pushes me to the side a little while rolling her eyes.

"Maybe if you paid attention in class and studied more, you won't have a problem." Hisui smirks and punches Daniera's arm lightly.

Daniera sighs and grabs her book bag.
"Whatever, let's go to the math class before we're late."

We nod and as we start walking to math class.

"Oh! Hey guys, I almost forgot to tell you. I'm having a movie night at my house you want to come?" Hisui looks over at us giving us a look which you can say no to, but at the same time makes you want to slap them.

"Hm, I don't know, I mean you bailed on us at the theater." Daniera narrows her eyes crossing her arms tapping her foot.

"Aw come on, please, I'll go next time even" Hisui swallows hard stumbling a bit. "E-even if it's a horror movie."

Daniera smiles evilly looking over at her raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You promise?"

Hisui sighs in defeat, "I-I promise even though I know I'm going to regret it."

I laugh a bit walking pass her, "Yeah your pretty much are going to regret it, but sure we'll show up don't worry." I smile warmly looking back at her.

"Okay! " Hisui smiles brightly and runs towards me to catch up.


Once we finish with math class we quickly go to the lunch room to get something to eat before everyone else comes and take the best stuff first. While we were eating a boy comes up to Hisui.

"Hey Hisui, at what hour we need to be at your house? "

"Oh, around like 6:30pm. " Hisui smiles a bit at the boy.

Wait, that's the boy I bumped into the other day. The hell, I didn't know these two knew each other.

He looks over and gives me a friendly smile "Oh, Hey, I think we haven't met properly. I'm Ikuto, sorry about the other day I was running late for history class."

"Oh, Don't worry about it. Nice to meet you though, I'm Misheru." I smile back at him starting to feel a bit nervous wanting to avoid any eye contact with him, so I end up looking at everywhere except him.

"Ooh your Misheru hehe, um, you probably know my brother Kisame. I-I'm sorry about the things he has done to you. I found out the day he got into a fight with, uh,what was her name again?...Oh right! Daniera!"

"So, you two are bothers? I'm sorry, but your brother was looking for it." Daniera glares and smiles a bit at Ikuto. "If he would had just left us alone he won't be in the bad shape he is in and he would still be around school." She grips one of her hands under the table making her knuckles turn white.

"Don't worry, I agree with you it was about time someone would step up to him and put him on his place. Anyways, I'll love to stick around, but I have to go. See ya at Hisui's house!" Ikuto walks away waving at us backwards.

We wave back and continue eating and talking. Once we all finish we head to music class.

School is over,Daniera and I walk home together then went to our house to get ready. I got home and saw a message from my mom.

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