Chapter 2

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Fan art by iiPastelUnicorns

Bradley's POV

I look at the illuminated screen of my phone and my girlfriend Saige is texting. Yes, I am gay. I have not told anybody and I do not plan on telling anybody either. I am too scared to. Too scared people will judge. Ever since my mom kicked me out of the house when I came out I have been too scared to say anything. I do not want the same to happen with anyone else.

My mom: An extremely religious Christian Catholic that does not seem to grasp that the term lesbian is not a choice of life that it does not makes it okay to call that person dirt.

I am always at Chris's house for that reason and I am just too scared to tell her. I go "home" very late at night to Saige and I really want to break up with her, but I can not because where am I going to live? The streets?

I could always tell Chris? No, there's no way I am telling Chris! It's too risky!

"Brad, are you going to answer that chick? She seems pretty needy?" Christie says as she pops three pieces of popcorn in her mouth.

I snap out of my daze and try focus my eyes on the screen. She texted me five times in three minutes. Needy, right?

1:35 What time are you coming home tonight? I miss you!

1:36 Hello? Brad?

1:36 Babe answer!!!

1:36 I miss yoooouuu

1:37 That's okay. Just don't answer your GIRLFRIEND!!!

What is wrong with her? I bite my bottle lip slightly and my thumbs do a little dance as I figure out what to type. I am honestly kind of sick of her, but I need a place to live. I know it is mean to not tell her and only stay with her for a place to live, but what else can I do? It's not like I can just ask Chris to buy a house with me. Her parents would not allow it.

1:42 I'm sorry, Saige. I am at Chris's house right now and we are watching a movie. I have some news I want to tell you tonight. Please don't be mad when I do. I will see you later.

1:43 Finally you answer!! Took you long enough!! Don't be out too late, I want you to come home so we can "catch up" if u know what I mean! I have no idea what you are going to tell me, but I hope it's nothing that will piss me off! Love ya <3

Well I hope this does not count as something piss-worthy. I really don't mean to be rude or anything. I just want to be honest with her! I hope that is how she takes it.

I reread and reread the text I sent her and think about other was she could have responded to it. I keep giving you the impress she is a bad person, but she can be really sweet. That is how I fell in love with her a year ago. I am not going to lie, she has changed some since then, but I feel like pieces of the old her are still there. That is why I have waited so long.

"Does The Notebook work?" I hear Chris say as she runs her hand through her short chestnut hair and looks back at me with her bright blue eyes.

"You know I hate sappy movies!" I whine.

"Please? For me?" She begs.

I scoff and nod my head in acceptance to the stupid movie.

She smiles and hops onto the book shelf full of movies and crazy books she reads. She pulls it off of the shelf and pops it into the DVD player. I smile at how adorable she is! She sits down next to me after she gets it in the DVD player. She snuggles up to me a pulls a blanket off of the top of the couch. I wrap my arm around her.

"I love ya, Chris!" I say playfully.

"Love ya more!" She says back.

I get a feeling in my stomach that I normally get when I am around Saige. I don't know if it is a bad feeling or a feeling I can trust too. I try to push the thought out of my mind and enjoy the movie, but of course she had to pick a romance movie!


Hey! This chapter is kind of short for what I normally write, but I didn't know how to end it without making the ending suck so yah. Instead of updating weekly like I normally do, I was thinking of doing a reads/votes/comments thing. Let's see how this works out!

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